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Interviewee Interviewer Date of Interview Interviewer's Affiliation Location of Interview Description Collection Name
Robert Humphreys Edward Glazier 07-29-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Honolulu, HI

Robert Humphreys was born in Newport Beach California, April 30, 1953. He grew up fishing in his big backyard, the Pacific Ocean and Newport Beach, California. Bob became a marine biology major at the University of California, Berkeley where he studied leopard sharks and bat rays in Bodega Bay. After graduating with his bachelor's degree, Bob then worked for the California Fish and Game office before heading to Hawaii in 1977. He began working at the NMFS Honolulu Laboratory during that year.

Voices from the Science Centers
Roger Griffis Ruth Sando 06-29-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Silver Spring, MD

Roger Griffis is a climate change coordinator for NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service. He has a B.S. in Biology from Carleton College and a Master’s in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from UC Irvine. Griffis grew up in Minnesota with a fascination for lakes and streams, and was particularly inspired by the complexity of ecosystems. Wanting to play a role in protecting the environment, he was led to conservation work through the Knauss Sea Grant Fellowship in Washington D.C in 1994.

Voices from the Science Centers
Vincent Guida Bonnie McCay 06-09-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Highlands, NJ

Vincent Guida received his Bachelor’s of Science degree in Biology from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1970. He earned his PhD in Marine Science and Zoology in 1977 from North Carolina State University. As a post-doc Fellow at Lehigh University's Institute for Pathobiology he studied mollusks. He then was a research scientist at the Center for Marine & Environmental Studies and became Director of the Wetlands Institute at Lehigh University. In the mid-1990's, he joined the staff of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center, J.J. Howard Lab.

Voices from the Science Centers
Ronald Goldberg Fred Calabretta 07-08-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Chesire, CT

Ron Goldberg was born in Boston, Massachusetts on July 2, 1952. He moved to New Jersey at the age of 11 where his love of the ocean and its' mysteries developed. He credits inspirational teachers in high school and college with cultivating his interest in marine science . He returned to Boston to study at Northeastern University. Through the University's co-op program, he worked for the EPA, the Northeastern Lab, and the Milford Laboratory. He was hired at Milford in 1975 and retired after 40 years in 2015. He now lives in Cheshire, Connecticut.

Voices from the Science Centers
Russell Brown Joshua Wrigley 09-27-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Falmouth, MA

Dr. Russell Brown was born in Farmingdale, New York and grew up in Silver Spring, Maryland. He earned his Bachelor’s in Fisheries and Wildlife from Cornell University and his Master’s degree and PhD. from Michigan State University. In 1994, Dr. Brown began working at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center on groundfish surveys. He also was involved with Atlantic salmon and was the Chief Scientific Adviser to the U.S. delegation to NASCO. As of this interview in 2016, he is the Population Dynamics Branch Chief at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center.

Voices from the Science Centers
Walton Dickhoff Maggie Allen 08-23-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Seattle, WA

Dr. Walton "Walt"Dickhoff was born in Wisconsin in 1947. He received his Ph.D. in Physiology from the University of California Berkeley in 1976 and joined the Northwest Fisheries Science Center in 1986 working in the Coastal Zone and Estuarine Studies Division. Dr. Dickhoff is the Division Director of the Environmental and Fisheries Science division, and his research focuses on salmon growth and development.

Voices from the Science Centers
Steve Turner Suzana Mic 09-06-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Miami, FL

Dr. Steve Turner was born on May 23, 1949 in Providence, Rhode Island. He began working in 1974 at what was then the Mid Atlantic Fisheries Science Center at the Sandy Hook lab which was merged into the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. He received his PhD from Rutgers University in 1986. He moved to the Southeast Fisheries Science Center from 1984, and is currently the Fisheries Statistics Division Chief at the Southeast Fisheries Science Center in Miami.

Voices from the Science Centers
Robin Waples Maggie Allen 08-08-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Seattle, WA

Robin Waples was born in Berkeley, California. He received a Bachelor’s degree in American studies from Yale University and his Ph.D. in marine biology from Scripps Institution of Oceanography. In 1986, Waples joined the Northwest Fisheries Science Center as a National Research Council Research Associate. From 1997 to 2000 he was the Director of the Conservation Biology Division. In 2001, he became the center's Senior Scientist. His research interests include population genetics of anadromous and marine fishes.

Voices from the Science Centers
Samuel Pooley Edward Glazier 07-29-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Oahu, HI

Dr. Samuel G. Pooley earned his PhD in Political Science from the University of Hawaii with a dissertation on macroeconomic decision-making, and a Masters in Economics from the University of Birmingham in England. He began working in 1981 at what was then the Southwest Fisheries Science Center‟s Honolulu Laboratory (HL), later the Pacific Island Fisheries Science Center. During his career with NMFS, he served in many roles including acting Regional Administrator, acting chief scientists, and finally Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center Director for 10 years. Dr.

Voices from the Science Centers
Linda Stehlik Michael Chiarappa 07-22-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Unknown

Linda Stehlik graduated in 1972 from Douglas College, a part of Rutgers University, with her bachelor's. She initially focused on terrestrial ecology but decided to pursue marine studies in lieu of studying birds due to the more promising job market in the marine biology field and her interest in tropical ecology. She began her graduate work at the University of Florida before attending Virginia Institute of Marine Science where she earned her Master's in 1980. She worked at Cook College between schools and spent time researching salt marshes in New Jersey.

Voices from the Science Centers
Sheila Stiles Fred Calabretta 08-09-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Milford, CT

Dr. Sheila Stiles was born in Memphis, Tennessee. As a young child she developed a love for nature which led to her focusing on science in college. She majored in biology at Xavier University, New Orleans. After graduation, she had the opportunity to work at the Milford Laboratory for the summer and was asked to stay on at the end of the summer. She was the first full time African American woman to be hired at the Lab. She credits her many mentors and her love of biology as the reason for her long, successful career. Dr.

Voices from the Science Centers
Nancy Thompson Suzana Mic 07-29-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Unknown

Dr. Nancy Thompson was born in September 1949 in Newark, New Jersey. She earned her PhD from the University of Rhode Island. Dr. Thompson worked for NOAA from 1980-2011, serving as the Director at both the Southeast and Northeast Fisheries Science Centers during her career. At the time of this interview in 2016, she was working at the University of South Florida’s College of Marine Science.

Voices from the Science Centers
Samuel "Sam" Rauch Ruth Sando 06-30-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Silver Spring, MD

Mr. Rauch is Deputy Assistant Administrator for regulatory programs of NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service. After receiving a B.A. from the University of Virginia, he received a M.S. from the University of Georgia with the goal of becoming a forest ecologist scientist. He then earned a J.D. from Northwestern School of Law of Lewis and Clark College and worked for the U.S. Attorney’s Office on the spotted owl litigation team. He was transferred to NMFS where he first worked on salmon cases before becoming Assistant Section Chief where he oversaw all NMFS litigations.

Voices from the Science Centers
Robert Santangelo Michael Chiarappa 08-10-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center New York, NY

Robert Santangelo is a fishery market reporter for the National Marine Fisheries Service. He received his B.S. in Business from C.W. Post College in 1976. His father and uncle worked at Fulton Fish Market from the late 1940's to the early 1960's which meant that Santangelo was around the fishing industry from a young age. His first job for NMFS was as a clerk in 1979. Shortly after being hired, he also started working as a market reporter for Market News at Fulton Fish Market. He reported on the market at Fulton from 1979 until 2005 when the market was moved to the Bronx.

Voices from the Science Centers
Tiffani Marsh Maggie Allen 09-22-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Seattle, WA

Tiffani Marsh was born in Warren, Ohio in 1956. She received her B.A. in Zoology from Miami University. She began her career at the Northwest Fisheries Science Center in 1990 studying salmon migration patterns. She is now a Supervisory Research Fishery Biologist in the Fish Ecology Division.

Voices from the Science Centers
Rohinee Paranjpye Maggie Allen 08-16-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Seattle, WA

Dr. Rohinee Paranjpye was born in Pune, India in 1955 and has been working at the Northwest Fisheries Science Center as a microbiologist since 1979. As part of a microbiology product quality and safety team, she helped improve the safety and marketability of fishery products by identifying hazards in seafood. She also researches the role of abiotic and biotic environmental factors on the presence of marine pathogens in order to develop improved risk assessment tools for early warning systems. Rohinee has a B.S. in Chemistry from India, a B.S.

Voices from the Science Centers
Thomas Noji Bonnie McCay 06-14-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Sandy Hook, NJ

Dr. Thomas Noji grew up on Long Island. He earned his Bachelor’s degree from Earlham College, and completed his Master’s degree and Ph.D. at the University of Keele in Germany. Dr. Noji worked in Germany and Norway for 21 years, returning to the United States in 2001 to work at the Sandy Hook Lab of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. As of this recording in 2016, he is the Ecosystems Processes Division Chief.

Voices from the Science Centers
William Overholtz Madeleine Hall-Arber 07-18-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Unknown

William Overholtz was born and raised in Lima, Ohio. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in fresh waters fisheries and limnology from Ohio State and his Ph.D. from Oregon State. He began his career with the Fish and Wildlife Service at Rock Island, Illinois. In 1976, Overholtz began working at Woods Hole and completed many survey cruises on various foreign vessels His work focused on groundfish and herring. He spent time in the population dynamics group as well as working on acoustic surveys and assessment modeling. He retired from NMFS after 34 years of service.

Voices from the Science Centers
Thea Johanos Edward Glazier 07-27-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Honolulu, HI

Thea Johanos has been a research wildlife biologist with the Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program at the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (and its precursor, the Honolulu Lab) since 1982. She grew up in both Texas and Pennsylvania, and did her undergraduate and graduate work at Penn State University. After graduate school, she applied for work in Hawaii, as her family had just moved there. Her first job in Hawaii was with the US Forest Service working with Hawaiian honeycreepers and other forest birds.

Voices from the Science Centers
Robert Kope Maggie Allen 08-15-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Seattle, WA

Robert Kope was born in Reedley, California in 1953. He received his PhD in Population Ecology from the University of California Davis and began working for NOAA Fisheries at the Southwest Fisheries Science Center in1989.His work has focused on stock assessments, harvest management, and conservation biology of salmon in northern California. In 1994, Robert moved to the Northwest Fisheries Science Center to participate in the coast-wide status review of all Pacific salmon species under the Endangered Species Act.

Voices from the Science Centers
Richard Merrick Ruth Sando 06-15-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Silver Spring, MD

Dr. Richard Merrick is Chief Science Administrator and Director of Scientific Programs at NOAA Fisheries. He has a B.S. and Master’s from Clemson University, two Master’s from Oregon State University in Marine Resource Management and Biological Oceanography, and finally a PhD in Fisheries from the University of Washington in Seattle. Merrick began his career with NOAA as a contractor in 1983, working in Alaska and the Arctic. He then moved to the Northeast Fisheries Science Center and continued working for the conservation of marine mammals.

Voices from the Science Centers
Richard Methot Maggie Allen 07-28-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Seattle, WA

Dr. Richard Methot grew up in western Massachusetts. He attended the University of Washington and received a bachelor'sdegree from the College of Fisheries. Following graduation, Dr. Methot went to Scripps Institution of Oceanography where he earned his Ph.D. in Biological Oceanography in 1981. After a one year postdoc at Bodega Marine Laboratory, he began working for NOAA that same year at the Southwest Fisheries Science Center in LaJolla, CA. In 1988, he moved to the Alaska Fisheries Science Center in Seattle, WA.

Voices from the Science Centers
Tim Schmit Molly Graham 10-27-2019 NOAA Heritage Program, National Weather Service Madison, WI

Timothy Schmit was born in St. Louis Park, Minnesota, in 1962. He earned a B.S. and M.S. in Meteorology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. After graduating, he worked as a researcher for the Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies. From 1996 to the present, Mr. Schmit has worked as a meteorologist for NOAA/NESDIS and is based in Madison, Wisconsin.  

Scope and Content Note

NOAA Heritage Oral History Project
Jerome "Nick" Heffter Molly Graham 09-25-2019 NOAA Heritage Program, National Weather Service Bethesda, MD

Dr. Jerome "Nick" Heffter served as a research meteorologist at OAR's Air Resources Lab. He was a pioneer in modeling the dispersion of nuclear radiation and other atmospheric pollutants during the Cold War.  Nick tracked the release of nuclear radiation from Chernobyl in 1986 and reported it to US leaders before Russia informed the world of what is considered the worst nuclear accident in world history.  Currently, Nick is retired from NOAA, but works as a contractor at the Air Resources Lab.

Scope and Content Note

NOAA Heritage Oral History Project
W. Paul Menzel Molly Graham 10-26-2019 NOAA Heritage Program, National Weather Service Madison, WI

Dr. W. Paul Menzel grew up in Maryland and attended the University of Maryland-College Park.  He attended The University of Wisconsin - Madison for his master's and PhD in Theoretical Solid State Physics.  Since 1967, Paul has worked as a scientist for the Space Science and Engineering Center in Madison.  He also started working as a adjunct professor in 1986 at UW, teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in physics and satellite meteorology.  In 1999, Dr. Menzel became the Chief Scientist for the Center for Satellite Applications and Research in NOAA/NESDIS.

NOAA Heritage Oral History Project
Thomas Wrublewski Molly Graham 09-26-2019 NOAA Heritage Program, National Weather Service Lanham, MD

Since 1980, Tom Wrublewski has been a physical scientist with the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS).

NOAA Heritage Oral History Project
Matthew Matich Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Matthew Matich.

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Tony Lauro Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Tony Lauro. 

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Charles Queenan Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Charles Queenan.

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Rita Warden Michael Jepson, Wayne Nield 04-15-1993 Florida Humanities Council, Florida Institute of Saltwater Heritage, Florida Maritime Museum Cortez, FL

In this interview, Rita Warden, discusses her family history; they migrated to Florida from Canada.  Though not a Cortez fisherman, Rita's husband was a carpenter and farmer in Michigan.  They wintered in Cortez from 1938 on. She talks about trailer park living and her husband's fishing when here.  Rita's husband did some shrimp netting too.  They are friends with the Guthries, one of whom was a fisherman and bridge tender.

Vanishing Culture Project
Marifrances Trivelli Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Marifrances Trivelli. 

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Leonard Pitt Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Leonard Pitt. 

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Joe Radisich Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Joe Radisich. 

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Jerilyn Mendoza Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Jerilyn Mendoza. 

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Kaylynn Kim Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Kaylynn Kim. 

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Orie Williams Michael Jepson, Wayne Nield 03-19-1993 Florida Humanities Council, Florida Institute of Saltwater Heritage, Florida Maritime Museum Cortez, FL

Orrie Williams' family has been in Cortez since 1905.  His father had fish house and Orrie drove truck for him.  Williams talks about his family in Cortez, the Burton store and the 1921 hurricane. 

Vanishing Culture Project
Tidy Island Museum Tour  Michael Jepson 12-09-1993 Florida Humanities Council, Florida Institute of Saltwater Heritage, Florida Maritime Museum Cortez, FL

This recording is of a Tidy Island Museum tour by Goose Culbreath, Alcee Taylor and others, discussing the history of the island, off Cortez, and family outings there.

Vanishing Culture Project
Raymond Stargill Pringle, Sr. Michael Jepson, Wayne Nield 02-03-1993 Florida Humanities Council, Florida Institute of Saltwater Heritage, Florida Maritime Museum Cortez, FL

Raymond Stargell Pringle's family came to Cortez in 1919.  In this interview, he talks about his father and fishing with him as a kid. Later, he became a minister.

Vanishing Culture Project
Earl Taylor Michael Jepson 04-23-1993 Florida Humanities Council, Florida Institute of Saltwater Heritage, Florida Maritime Museum Cortez, FL

Mr. Earl Taylor talks about his fishing history with others over the years. He quit when he was married and was a cook for a while before he came back to fishing.

Vanishing Culture Project
Jun Mori Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Jun Mori. 

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Bob Mohle Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Bob Mohle. 

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Rudy Svorinich, Jr. Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Rudy Svorinich, Jr.

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Lloyd Menveg Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Lloyd Menveg.

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Martha McKinzie Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Martha McKinzie.

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Stephanie Mardesich Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA



Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Carol Thomas Rugnetta Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Carol Thomas Rugnetta.

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Paul Taylor Michael Jepson, Wayne Nield 01-28-1993 Florida Humanities Council, Florida Institute of Saltwater Heritage, Florida Maritime Museum Cortez, FL

In this interview, Paul Taylor talks about his family, his fishing life, living in the Ilbion Inn and his views on fishing.  Taylor's father came to Cortez from North Carolina.  

Vanishing Culture Project
James Hahn Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with James Hahn. 


Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Andrew Cesareo Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Andrew Cesareo. 

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Andrew Kuljis Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Patricia Leckner Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Patricia Leckner. 

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Geraldine Knatz Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Geraldine Knatz.

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Janice Kahn Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Janice Kahn. 

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Mark Taylor Michael Jepson 05-26-1993 Florida Humanities Council, Florida Institute of Saltwater Heritage, Florida Maritime Museum Cortez, FL

Oral history interview with Mark Taylor.

Vanishing Culture Project
Tom Phillips Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Tom Phillips.

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Jayme Wilson Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Jayme Wilson.

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
Rawlin Nelson Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Rawlin Nelson.

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project
David Burrage Stephanie Scull-DeArmey 03-04-2010 Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi Biloxi, MS

David Burrage was born January 7, 1953 in Hampton, Virginia. He attended Old Dominion University where he received a science degree then attended University of Rhode Island for his graduate studies in Marine Affairs. He works with the Sea Grant Extension Program in Mississippi and is an Extension Professor.

Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories
Walter Chataginer Stephanie Scull-DeArmey 04-13-2010 Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi Biloxi, MS

Interview with Walter Chataginer, Chief of Marine Patrol for the State of Mississippi Dept. of Marine Resources.  Interview contains information on enforcing federal TED laws, reactions toward conservation measures by the fishing industry, general information on the shrimping industry and narrator's recollections of working on shrimping vessels.

Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories
Deborah Crouse Stephanie Scull-DeArmey Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi Unknown

Interview with biologist Deborah Crouse of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Crouse was born in 1950 and has worked as a scientist on turtle issues since 1982. Interview contains information on coastal habitat, introduction of TEDs, development of gear technology, turtle reproduction and survival, ecology.

Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories
Gary Graham Stephanie Scull-DeArmey 03-23-2010 Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi Unknown

Interview with Gary Graham (born in 1946), a retired professor at Texas A & M and marine fisheries specialist with Texas Sea Grant. Graham also served as Gulf Regional Coordinator for the Gulf and South Atlantic Fisheries Foundation and worked as a shrimper. Graham discusses his involvement in the industry from the early 1980's onward doing educational outreach to industry professionals. Collected data on how TEDs perform while on offshore test voyages using early NMFS TEDs. Other Topics: industry perception of TEDs, cannonball, jellyfish shooters, Georgia Jumper Morrison, TED

Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories
Tom McIlwain Stephanie Scull-DeArmey 02-16-2010 Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi Ocean Springs, MS

Biographical Sketch

Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories
John Mitchell Stephanie Scull-DeArmey 03-11-2010 Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi Pascagoula, MS

John Mitchell was born October 29, 1955, in Chicago Heights, Illinois.  He is a Unit Leader for the Harvesting Systems Unit, NOAA Fisheries, Southeast Fishery Science Center, Mississippi Laboratories. Mitchell started out working as a fisheries technician at the Pascagoula laboratory in 1981, working as a fisheries observer on Japanese longliners that were fishing in the Gulf of Mexico for tuna. He would ride the boats for months. He would sometimes transfer from one boat to another at sea.

Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories
Sonny Morrison Stephanie Scull-DeArmey 05-04-2010 Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi McClellanville, SC

Interview with Sonny Morrison born in 1923 in McClellenville, South Carolina. Interview contains information on the introduction of Turtle Excluder Devices and Mr. Morrison's own experiences in the shrimp fisheries.

Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories
Sally Murphy Stephanie Scull-DeArmey 04-01-2010 Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi Unknown

Interview with Sally Murphy born October 16, 1943 in Savannah, GA. Murphy is the retired Sea Turtle Coordinator of the SC Dept. of Natural Resources. She established their turtle conservation program and conducted research to determine impacts on sea turtles and management of recovery efforts. Her work also included monitoring declines in the species as well as education and outreach to the public. Interview Topics: Sinkey Boone, Georgia Jumper, Super Shooter, Bycatch reduction devices, Started as Co-Leader of Turtle Recovery Team in 1979

Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories
Charles Oravetz Stephanie Scull-DeArmey 03-24-2010 Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi Unknown

Interview with Charles "Chuck" Oravetz born December 1942 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  He retired from National Marine Fisheries Service in 2001 as Assistant Regional Administrator for Protected Resources.  His work involved developing and implementing TEDs with the Pascagoula, Mississippi lab.

Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories
Franklin Parker Stephanie Scull-DeArmey 02-24-2010 Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi Unknown

Interview with Frank Parker born July 4, 1973 in Biloxi, Mississippi.  Parker is a lifelong shrimp fisherman.  Interview contains information on fishing practices, perceptions of TEDs during their early years of implementation and technical details regarding the shrimping industry.

Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories
Michael J. Harris Stephanie Scull-DeArmey 05-10-2010 Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi - Northern Gulf Institute Unknown

Interview with Mike Harris, Chief of Nongame Conservation Section, Wildlife Resources Division, Georgia DNR. Harris began work for Georgia DNR's Coastal Resources Division in 1986 and worked on introducing TEDs in the Georgia shrimping industry. In this interview, Harris speaks about the development of TEDs from Sinkey Boone's original Jellyball Shooter, federal regulations and attitudes in the fishing industry toward conservation measures.

Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories
Bob Jones Stephanie Scull-DeArmey 03-30-2010 Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi Unknown

Interview with Bob Jones, born in 1933, who at the time of the interview was the Executive Director of the Southeast Fisheries Association. Interview contains his recollections of the implementation of TEDs within the fishery, opinions on federal management, thoughts on the decline of the shrimp fishery, industry challenges and relations with environmental organizations.

Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories
Andrew Kemmerer Stephanie Scull-DeArmey 03-16-2010 Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi Brandon, MS

Dr. Andrew J. Kemmerer was born on February 11, 1938, in Bryan, Texas. In his early youth, Kemmerer lived in College Station, Texas, eventually moving to Tucson, Arizona at six years old.  Kemmerer spent most of his childhood at his Tucson home and quickly developed an adoration for the outdoors. He spent his summers working with the Arizona Game & Fish Department, the Parks Service, and several other employers that allowed him to work outside. In 1960, Kemmerer graduated from the University of Arizona with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Wildlife Management.

Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories
Amanda Wright Janice Gadaire Fleuriel 09-24-2006 Working Waterfront Festival New Bedford, MA

Amanda Wright is a lobster sternman with over 22 years of experience in the fishing industry. She primarily operates out of Newport, Rhode Island, and has also worked in Wickford and various locations across the state. Amanda's journey into lobstering began after moving to Rhode Island from Princeton, New Jersey, and exploring other career paths like pottery and scalloping. Her dedication to the fishing trade has led her to become an integral part of the industry.

The Working Waterfront Festival Community Documentation Project
John Xifares Janice Gadaire Fleuriel 09-22-2006 Working Waterfront Festival New Bedford, MA

John Xifares, born on April 14, 1936, in New Bedford, is a retired superior court judge with a rich family background rooted in Greece and the New Bedford fishing industry. Before his tenure as a judge, Xifares was a lawyer, representing fish lumpers, seafood workers, and teamsters who represented fishermen for about a decade. His legal career also included serving as co-council for health and welfare funds and pension funds for these unions. Xifares' early life was closely tied to the fishing industry, with his family owning several bars on the waterfront and a couple of fishing boats.

The Working Waterfront Festival Community Documentation Project
Larry Yacubian Markham Starr 09-30-2012 Working Waterfront Festival New Bedford, MA

Captain Larry Yacubian is a seasoned commercial fisherman with a rich maritime heritage. Born in Westport Point, Massachusetts, Yacubian comes from a long line of fishermen, tracing his roots back to his father's family in Nova Scotia. His career in fishing has seen him progress from a "shacker" to the captain of his own boat, demonstrating his deep understanding and experience in the industry. Yacubian currently resides in Punta Gorda, Florida.

The Working Waterfront Festival Community Documentation Project
Richard Chikami Unknown 11-22-2012 Aquarium on the Pacific, NOAA Fisheries - West Coast Region, Voices of the West Coast San Pedro, CA

Richard was born in San Pedro in 1946; a third generation Japanese-American (sansei). In this interview, he recounts how his family came to be living in San Pedro from Japan, and the challenges they faced because of "yellow exclusion laws" and other discriminatory practices that prevented his grandparents from becoming U.S. citizens. His grandfather settled initially in a Japanese fishing community near Santa Monica, California where he ran a fish market. However, he was not legally allowed to hold a business license until 1954 when he was allowed to become a U.S. citizen.

Tuna Pioneers: San Pedro-Terminal Island, California
Donald Baker Stephanie Scull-DeArmey 04-15-2010 Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi Biloxi, MS

Interview with Donald Baker, born on October 2, 1939 on Deer Island, Mississippi.  Baker is a shrimp fisherman who speaks about his use of TEDs, changes in the shrimping industry, equipment, fishing techniques and procedures, business aspects of operating a vessel. Other Topics: Hurricane Camille of 1947, growing up on coast, prices of fuel and supplies, profits, fish species, fisheries management

Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories
Sinkey Boone Stephanie Scull-DeArmey 04-22-2010 Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi Unknown

Interview with Sinkey Boone of Darien, Georgia, born in 1937.  Interview consists of Boone's recollections of building early TEDs, bycatch, and the design of TEDs from the late-1960s onwards. Other Topics: equipment, bycatch, fish species

Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories
Nick Danelovich Unknown 11-22-2012 Aquarium on the Pacific, NOAA Fisheries - West Coast Region, Voices of the West Coast San Pedro, CA

Nick was born in Hvar, Croatia, in 1914, and his family moved to Oregon when he was young. He started salmon fishing at a young age in Astoria, and then went with his brothers to fish in Alaska when he was a bit older, and that is where he first became a cook for a fishing crew. He moved to San Pedro, California, at the invitation of a friend and became the cook for many years on a tuna boats owned and operated by Captain Frank Gargas, Sr.

Tuna Pioneers: San Pedro-Terminal Island, California
August "Auggie" Felando Unknown 11-22-2012 Aquarium on the Pacific, NOAA Fisheries - West Coast Region, Voices of the West Coast San Pedro, CA

August Felando was born in San Pedro, California, in 1929. His family roots reach back to Viz Island, Croatia, and Guernica in the Basque province of Spain. He fished on two-family owned tuna and sardine purse seine vessels during 1946-1950. In 1951, he became a co-owner of the F/V Challenger, a tuna baitboat, and as managing owner sold the vessel in 1958 for conversion to a tuna seiner. From 1960-1991, he managed the affairs of the American Tunaboat Association, including participation in hearings before the California State legislature, Congressional Committees, and federal agencies.

Tuna Pioneers: San Pedro-Terminal Island, California
Steve Gargas Unknown 11-22-2012 Aquarium on the Pacific, NOAA Fisheries - West Coast Region, Voices of the West Coast San Pedro, CA

Captain Frank Gargas, Sr., and his two sons, Frank Jr. and Steve, reflect on their experience as a fishing family. Frank Sr. relays a time when the family was with him on the tuna boat and they encountered rough weather from Hurricane Camille (1969). Steve talks about his mother and what she faced as a wife of a fisherman, having her husband at sea much of the time. Frank Jr. reflects on what drew him to become a fisherman.

Tuna Pioneers: San Pedro-Terminal Island, California
Frank Gargas, Jr. Unknown 11-22-2012 Aquarium on the Pacific, NOAA Fisheries - West Coast Region, Voices of the West Coast San Pedro, CA

Captain Frank Gargas, Sr., and his two sons, Frank Jr. and Steve, reflect on their experience as a fishing family. Frank Sr. relays a time when the family was with him on the tuna boat and they encountered rough weather from Hurricane Camille (1969). Steve talks about his mother and what she faced as a wife of a fisherman, having her husband at sea much of the time. Frank Jr. reflects on what drew him to become a fisherman.

Tuna Pioneers: San Pedro-Terminal Island, California
Frank Gargas, Sr. Unknown 11-22-2012 Aquarium on the Pacific, NOAA Fisheries - West Coast Region, Voices of the West Coast San Pedro, CA

Captain Frank Gargas, Sr., and his two sons, Frank Jr. and Steve, reflect on their experience as a fishing family. Frank Sr. relays a time when the family was with him on the tuna boat and they encountered rough weather from Hurricane Camille (1969). Steve talks about his mother and what she faced as a wife of a fisherman, having her husband at sea much of the time. Frank Jr. reflects on what drew him to become a fisherman.

Tuna Pioneers: San Pedro-Terminal Island, California
Mary Misetich Unknown 01-18-2013 Aquarium on the Pacific, NOAA Fisheries - West Coast Region, Voices of the West Coast San Pedro, CA

Mary Misetich was born in 1912 in Washington. Her family later moved to San Pedro, where she lived for 90 years. In 1932, she married Dominick Misetich, a tuna fisherman. Both of their families came from the island of Brac, Yugoslavia.

Tuna Pioneers: San Pedro-Terminal Island, California
Roland Wigley Joshua Wrigley 09-09-2016 NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center Falmouth, MA

Roland Wigley was born in 1923 in New Jersey. He studied at the University of Maine at Orono, where his college career was interrupted by World War II. He served in the Army Air Corps during the war. He returned to the University of Maine after the war and received his PhD from Cornell University, where he did a dissertation on the life history of the sea lamprey of Cayuga Lake. He began working for the U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries as student in 1949 and was hired in a permanent capacity in 1954. His first research project was the haddock food study.

Voices from the Science Centers
Stephen Gill Molly Graham 12-04-2019 NOAA Heritage Program, National Weather Service Silver Spring, MD

Mr. Stephen Gill was born in Lake Placid, New York in 1948.  He earned his BS and MS in Oceanography from New York University School of Engineering and Science.  Gill came to work for NOAA in 1975 as an Oceanographer for the National Ocean Service.  From 1997 to his retirement in 2016, Mr. Gill served as Chief Scientist for NOAA/NOS Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services.  

Scope and Content Note

NOAA Heritage Oral History Project
Robert Hansen Molly Graham 12-04-2019 NOAA Heritage Program, National Weather Service Silver Spring, MD

Mr. Robert Hansen was born in on Earth Day, April 22, 1949, in Bayshore, New York.  He was the first in his family to attend college, and earned his Bachelor’s and then a Master's Degree in Geography from the University at Albany.  Mr. Hansen came to work for NOAA as a cartographer in Aeronautical Charting.  He then worked as a technical information specialist for the National Ocean Service, chief of the NOAA Map Library, constituent affairs specialist, NOAA Historian, and retired as the national outreach coordinator for Education.   

NOAA Heritage Oral History Project
Elizabeth Jones Michael Jepson 02-02-1993 Florida Humanities Council, Florida Institute of Saltwater Heritage, Florida Maritime Museum Cortez, FL

Elizabeth Pearson Jones talks about her family history and a 1921 hurricane.

Vanishing Culture Project
Ron Rogers Unknown The Port of Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA

Oral history interview with Ron Rogers.

Port of Los Angeles Centennial Oral History Project