New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center

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Interviewee Sort descending Collection Description Interviewer Date of Interview Location of Interview Affiliation
Kevin Rose Casting A Wider Net: A Community Oral History Project

Cape Verdean men have struggled for generations to work in professions, guaranteeing enough income to provide for their families.  They have gained a foothold on New Bedford’s docks unloading and loading foreign ships, particularly because workers on those ships often don’t have passports or papers that allow them to debark from the ship within the United States. Thus, longshoremen up and down the United States seaboard provide those services.  Many of these longshoremen are part of the International Longshoremen’s Union, abbreviated as the ILA.

Paula Robinson Deare South Dartmouth, MA New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center
Kirsten Bendiksen Workers on the New Bedford Waterfront

Kirsten Bendiksen talks about her work in her family’s business, Reidar’s Manufacturing, a gear manufactory/support industry in New Bedford, formerly in Fairhaven. Talks about her Norwegian immigrant heritage and marrying a Norwegian fisherman, and later starting their busy gear shop, one of the few left to serve the industry. Kirsten works as bookkeeper in the business, which also employs her husband and their two sons and other workers.

Fred Calabretta New Bedford, MA New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center
LaVerne Gomes Casting A Wider Net: A Community Oral History Project

In this interview, LaVerne Gomes begins by speaking about growing up in Wareham, Massachusetts, before moving to New Bedford, where she was raised by a single mother in a large Cape Verdean family. After dropping out of school at the age of 16, she pursued work in the Frionor Kitchen in New Bedford, where she worked in the cold fish house for 27 years, preparing frozen fish as it came off the conveyor belt.

Colleen Pina-Garron New Bedford, MA New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center
Lukas Smith Workers on the New Bedford Waterfront

Luckas Smith, a 24-year-old male, has grown up around the fishing industry. He grew up in New Bedford, went to New Bedford Vocational School and recently graduated from Massachusetts Maritime Academy. He has worked as a wire splicer for his family’s business, Northeast Trawl, since he was about fifteen years old.  He explains the technique of splicing, the various tools, equipment, and the winch truck used for splicing.  Lastly, he discusses his view of the waterfront community and his pride in his role in the seafood industry.

Laura Orleans New Bedford, MA New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center
Maria Gomez Workers on the New Bedford Waterfront

Maria Gomez is from Guatemala and skins, cleans and packs fish at Bergie’s Seafood in New Bedford, MA. She has worked at the company for 15 years and her husband is also an employee.

This oral history was produced in 2017 as part of the Workers on the Waterfront Oral History Project conducted by New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center with funding from an Archie Green Fellowship provided by the Library of Congress.

Corinn Williams New Bedford, MA New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center
Mariana Moreno Workers on the New Bedford Waterfront

Mariana Moreno is from Guatemala and has been working at Bergie’s seafood since age 16. She has learned all of the job duties at the plant including jobs typically reserved for men like hand cutting fish. She discusses adjusting her family budget to fluctuating work hours. She was recently promoted at Bergie’s and is always eager to learn more and take on more responsibilities in the workplace.

Corinn Williams New Bedford, MA New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center
Mark Bergeron Workers on the New Bedford Waterfront

The son of a scalloper, Mark was introduced to the waterfront early. Not knowing what he wanted to do as a career after graduating from high school, he started buying and selling fish.  Eventually, he and his partner worked their way up from nothing to buying Bergies.  He discusses the changes in the business from when he started, especially the harsh realities of today that are a consequence of strict regulations (so fewer fish being landed) and changes in technology that has taken the jobs of many workers.

Madeleine Hall-Arber New Bedford, MA New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center
Michael Smith Workers on the New Bedford Waterfront

Michael Smith is the 58-year-old owner of North Eastern Trawl in New Bedford, MA.  His company specializes in wire rope splicing.  In this interview, he describes his job, how he became a wire rope splicer, and experiences he’s had over the past thirty-eight years as a wire rope splicer.  He speaks about his company notably as a family business and how he enjoys his work. 

Laura Orleans New Bedford, MA New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center
Miguel Osiris Sanchez Parada Casting A Wider Net: A Community Oral History Project

In this interview, Miguel Sanchez explores his experience in the fishing industry, beginning with his journey of jumping ship from a Cuban fishing boat into a Canadian boat while he was a young law student to escape political dictatorship. He then speaks about living in Nova Scotia for years without his family before immigrating to America to work in the netting and rigging department of Reidar’s Trawl-Scallop Gear and Marine Supply in New Bedford, MA.

Betsy Montes New Bedford, MA New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center
Natalie Ameral Workers on the New Bedford Waterfront

Natalie Ameral, a female of Portuguese descent, was born in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, in 1994. She worked as a government contractor and port sampler, collecting lengths and biological samples such as otoliths based on a list provided by NOAA Fisheries. Ameral was the only female among seven port samplers in her company. She started working as a port sampler the year after graduating from college.

Madeleine Hall-Arber New Bedford, MA New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center