Silver Spring, MD

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Interviewee Sort descending Collection Description Interviewer Date of Interview Location of Interview Affiliation
Alexander E. “Sandy” MacDonald The Research and Development Behind the 1988-1999 Modernization of NOAA's National Weather Service

Oral history interview with Alexander E. “Sandy” MacDonald, NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, former Director, Forecast Systems Laboratory  
Interview conducted: October 2010  
Run time: 50:28    
Topics: PROFS, AWIPS, NWS Modernization R&D    



Barry Reichenbaugh Silver Spring, MD Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
Donna Wieting Voices from the Science Centers

Donna Wieting currently serves as the Director of the Office for Protective Resources at NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service. She has a B.S. in Animal Science from the University of Massachusetts and a Master’s in Marine Science from Louisiana State University. She has been at the agency since 1989 in various roles. 

Ruth Sando Silver Spring, MD NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Doug Whiteley NOAA Heritage Oral History Project

Doug Whiteley is the Division Chief of the Research to Operations and Project Planning Division (ROPPD). As Chief of ROPPD, Doug oversees pre-formulation and early formulation for new satellite systems as well as the execution of studies for project alternatives, such as foreign partnerships leveraging data and/or instrument exchanges, small-sats, payload hosting, commercial alternatives, and technology maturation to identify specific potential solutions to NESDIS top-level requirements.

Molly Graham Silver Spring, MD NOAA Heritage Program, National Weather Service
Edward Johnson NOAA Heritage Oral History Project

Dr. Edward Johnson was born in Columbus, Georgia, in 1950.  Johnson attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology for his undergraduate and graduate education, earning his PhD in Civil Engineering in 1978.  He came to work for the National Weather Service Office of Hydrology, Hydrologic Research Laboratory as a research hydrologist in 1978.  In 1999, Mr. Johnson served as director of Strategic Planning and Policy for the National Weather Service and retired in 2015.  

Scope and Content Note

Molly Graham Silver Spring, MD NOAA Heritage Program, National Weather Service
Jeanette Davis NOAA Heritage Oral History Project

Dr. Jeanette Davis is a Marine Microbiologist who currently serves at NOAA Fisheries in the Office of Policy  where she conducts research and provides support on programs and policies regarding resources in the ocean. Dr. Davis was first exposed to the marine environment as a student at Hampton University during an internship where she lived on a 53-foot sailboat for a month, exploring the Chesapeake Bay. She earned a B.S. in Marine and Environmental Science from Hampton University and a PhD. in Marine Microbiology from the University of Maryland, College Park.

Molly Graham Silver Spring, MD NOAA Heritage Program, National Weather Service
Joe Evjen Mount Mitchell Oral History Project

Joe Evjen was born in 1967 in Gainesville, Florida. His father served briefly in the Navy, and his brother attended the Naval Academy. Evjen was active in the Boy Scouts and developed an early interest in orienteering. He pursued a degree in surveying and mapping at the University of Florida and became interested in the Coast and Geodetic Survey. Evjen graduated in December 1990 and joined the NOAA Corps in January 1991.

Matthew Forrest Silver Spring, MD NOAA's Office of Coast Survey
Ken Graham National Weather Service Heritage Oral History Project

Ken Graham is the Director of NOAA's National Weather Service and is the Assistant Administrator for Weather Services at NOAA. In this role, he is responsible for the day-to-day civilian weather operations for the United States, its territories, adjacent waters, and ocean areas. Prior to becoming the 17th NWS Director on June 7, 2022, he served as the director of NOAA’s National Hurricane Center, leading the nation through numerous hurricanes, including 30 named storms during the record-breaking 2020 hurricane season.

Gregory Romano, Mary Fairbanks , , Silver Spring, MD National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Weather Service
Linda Lawhorn-Brown NOAA Heritage Oral History Project

Mrs. Linda Lawhorn-Brown was born in Winnsboro, South Carolina in 1958.  She moved to Washington, D.C. while she was in high school, and after graduation, attended the University of Maryland- College Park, where she majored in special education.  In 1987, Linda came to work for NOAA.  Her first position was with Bill Stanley, who served eventually as NOAA's historian.  Since 1990, Linda has worked in the Office of the Under Secretary, working closely with various administrators, dignitaries, and NOAA staff.  

Scope and Content Note

Molly Graham Silver Spring, MD NOAA Heritage Program, National Weather Service
Louis J. Boezi The Research and Development Behind the 1988-1999 Modernization of NOAA's National Weather Service

Interview with Louis J. Boezi, former NWS Deputy Director for Modernization and Associated Restructuring         
Interview conducted May 2010 and March 2011
Topics: AFOS, AWIPS, NEXRAD, Transitioning to new technologies


Barry Reichenbaugh Silver Spring, MD Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
Louis W. Uccellini National Weather Service Heritage Oral History Project

Dr. Louis W. Uccellini was the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Assistant Administrator for Weather Services, and Director of the National Weather Service (2013-2022). In this role, he was responsible for the day-to-day civilian weather operations for the United States, its territories, adjacent waters, and ocean areas.

Gregory Romano, Mary Fairbanks , , , , , Columbia, MD, Silver Spring, MD National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Weather Service