Sector Management in New England
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Interviewee Sort descending | Collection | Description | Interviewer | Date of Interview | Location of Interview | Affiliation |
Angela Sanfilippo | Sector Management in New England |
Angela Sanfilippo, 62, lives in Gloucester, Massachusetts and serves as the President of Gloucester's Fishermen's Wives. Her husband was a commercial fisherman who lost his boat due to a fire and now works for on a charter boat because they knew it'd be too risky to re-invest in fishing; she does have a brother and other family members that are involved in sectors. Mrs. Sanfilippo works very hard to assist with commercial fisheries, whether through helping fishermen gain health insurance or by working in the permit bank. |
Azure Cygler | Gloucester, MA | NOAA | |
Carl Bouchard | Sector Management in New England |
Carl Bouchard, age 72, is a retired fisherman whose home port was Hampton, New Hampshire. Mr. Buchard began fishing around age 45 because he loved being outdoors, after transitioning from gas station and carwash owner to owner of his own boat doing inshore fisheries such as groundfishing, shrimping, tunafishing and lobstering. He had chosen to retire from fisheries the year sector management began, but had four permits in Sector 2. The year sectors started, he put his boat in the commonpool and leased quota from additional permits that he had purchased. Mr. |
Azure Cygler | Exeter, NH | NOAA | |
Charles Remington Borden | Sector Management in New England |
Charles Borden, 33, is a commercial fisherman out of Westport, Massachusetts. Mr. Borden?s father works in fisheries management, though he does not have family history in commercial fishing, he began fishing at age 14 on a skiff and worked his way up to become a captain on his own vessel in Westport, Massachusetts. For the past 3 years, he has fished predominantly for monkfish in the inshore and offshore, depending on the season. |
Azure Cygler | Tiverton, RI | NOAA | |
Christine Sherman | Sector Management in New England |
Christine Sherman, 60, lives in Gloucester, Massachusetts and is married to a commercial fisherman that is a member of Sector 2. Mrs. Sherman also works for the Northeast Seafood Coalition, an industry advocacy group based in Gloucester and is primarily in charge of fundraising for the group. Mrs. Sherman has felt a huge impact from sectors and feels there is only a few years left for a viable, small boat commercial fishery in Gloucester. She has seen the impacts in her own family and life, having experienced physical and mental issues related to financial stress in an uncertain industry. |
Azure Cygler | Gloucester, MA | NOAA | |
Christine Sykes | Sector Management in New England |
Christine Sykes, 60, is the wife of commercial fisherman Rodman Sykes who fishes out of Point Judith, RI. Though she is not from a fishing family, her husband is and has been fishing since he was 17, working with his grandfather. He currently targets finfish, especially yellowtail and codfish, and sometimes squid. He is a sector member. Mrs. Sykes believes that increased regulations, including those related to sectors, lead to more stress, often with respect to heavy observer coverage on the vessel. |
Angela Wilson | Wakefield, RI | NOAA | |
Christopher Hickman | Sector Management in New England |
Chris Hickman, 63, is a commercial fisherman out of Hatteras, North Carolina. Mr. Hickman began fishing in the 1970's after retiring from farming; his grandfather was a fisherman in the early 1900's. He currently fishes for monkfish and a variety of other species using a gillnet inshore along the east coast in New England. Mr. Hickman has been in the commonpool in New England since sectors began; sector management is not in place in North Carolina. He feels that sector management is not the right management strategy and would abolish it given the opportunity. |
Azure Cygler | Hatteras, NC | NOAA | |
Christopher T. Brown | Sector Management in New England |
Chris Brown, 53, is a commercial fisherman out of Point Judith, Rhode Island. He began fishing after high school and built a boat for himself two years later. Currently, he fishes inshore for groundfish and squid predominantly. Mr. Brown is the president of Sector 5 and is very active in sector management and fisheries in general. He is very hopeful about sector management and believes that, given the opportunity, it will be the best strategy to manage the fisheries and provide livelihood for fishermen. |
Azure Cygler | Kingston, RI | NOAA | |
Dan Shannon | Sector Management in New England |
Dan Shannon, 48, is a commercial fisherman out of Scituate, Massachusetts. He began fishing around age 15 and has had his own boat for 20 years. He currently fishes predominantly lobster on Stellwagen Bank and in Massachusetts Bay, but also catches codfish and haddock. He joined sector 10 because the common pool was not a viable option. Mr. Shannon believes that sector management is not the appropriate strategy and was implemented unfairly. |
Angela Wilson | Scituate, MA | NOAA | |
Danny Murphy | Sector Management in New England |
Danny Murphy, 39, is a commercial fisherman out of Gloucester, Massachusetts. Mr. Murphy's father started tuna fishing later in his life, eventually owning a trawler which piqued perked his son's interest in fishing as a profession. Mr. Murphy began working on his father's trawler at around 16 years of age and would fish for groundfish and also dredge occasionally for scallops and sea urchins. Currently, Mr. Murphy owns a 36-foot trawler and fishes inshore for groundfish and scallops and is a member of Sector 2 in Gloucester. |
Azure Cygler | Gloucester, MA | NOAA | |
David Beutel | Sector Management in New England |
David (Dave) Beutel of North Kingstown, Rhode Island began his career as a commercial fisherman in the mid-1970s and has since worked with the University of Rhode Island and now with fisheries management for the state of Rhode Island. Mr. Beutel believes that the divisive atmosphere in the port of Point Judith is a notable negative consequence of sectors management in Rhode Island, because differences in the philosophies of fishermen have created obvious divisions in the fishing community. |
Lisa Colburn , Azure Cygler | North Kingstown, RI | NOAA |