Angela Wilson
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Interviewee Sort descending | Collection | Description | Interviewer | Date of Interview | Location of Interview | Affiliation |
Christine Sykes | Sector Management in New England |
Christine Sykes, 60, is the wife of commercial fisherman Rodman Sykes who fishes out of Point Judith, RI. Though she is not from a fishing family, her husband is and has been fishing since he was 17, working with his grandfather. He currently targets finfish, especially yellowtail and codfish, and sometimes squid. He is a sector member. Mrs. Sykes believes that increased regulations, including those related to sectors, lead to more stress, often with respect to heavy observer coverage on the vessel. |
Angela Wilson | Wakefield, RI | NOAA | |
Dan Shannon | Sector Management in New England |
Dan Shannon, 48, is a commercial fisherman out of Scituate, Massachusetts. He began fishing around age 15 and has had his own boat for 20 years. He currently fishes predominantly lobster on Stellwagen Bank and in Massachusetts Bay, but also catches codfish and haddock. He joined sector 10 because the common pool was not a viable option. Mr. Shannon believes that sector management is not the appropriate strategy and was implemented unfairly. |
Angela Wilson | Scituate, MA | NOAA | |
Henry McCarthy | Sector Management in New England |
Henry McCarthy, 47, operates a fishing vessel out of Scituate, Massachusetts. He fished for 25 years, most recently cod and haddock, but left fishing 2 years ago due to a low allocation that made running a business for profit infeasible. Mr. McCarthy remains an inactive sector member and is still active in the fishing community on the board of directors of sector 10 and at the permit bank. Mr. McCarthy has a negative view of sector management and would replace it with Days at Sea and a rolling clock, given the opportunity. |
Angela Wilson | Duxbury, MA | NOAA | |
Kevin Norton | Sector Management in New England |
Kevin Norton, 42, is a commercial fisherman out of Scituate, Massachusetts. He began fishing as a kid, left fishing for a while and has now been fishing full-time for the past 14 years. For the majority of his commercial fishing career, Mr. Norton has gone groundfishing on a dragger in the Gulf of Maine. He is a member of sector 10, but would leave sectors very quickly if it were possible to make a living wage in the common pool. Mr. Norton has a negative view of sectors and feels there is a large amount of uncertainty in fishing as a result of sector and other fishing regulations. |
Angela Wilson | Scituate, MA | NOAA | |
Steven Welch | Sector Management in New England |
Steven Welch, 51, is a fisherman out of Scituate and Plymouth, Massachusetts. He worked on boats as a kid and began commercial fishing full time when he graduated from high school in 1979. Since that time he has participated in most fisheries except herring; he now fishes offshore. Mr. Welch has been a member of sector 10 since sector management was initiated and participates as the treasurer. He does not like sectors or catch shares as he catches 62% fewer pounds under his allocation of quota than he did under the previous management by days-at-sea (DAS). Since sectors have begun, Mr. |
Angela Wilson | Scituate, MA | NOAA | |
Timothy Caldwell | Sector Management in New England |
Tim Caldwell, 51, a fisherman currently operating out of Point Judith, RI began fishing at age 18. Mr. Caldwell is a member of sector 10. He had 2 vessels when sectors began, but has since switched to gillneting for monkfish and sells his low groundfish allocation. He saw a drastic decrease in income as a result of a low allocation and had to sell his second vessel. Mr. Caldwell has a negative view of sectors, stating that sectors make the future uncertain for small fishermen, like him and his son. |
Angela Wilson | Narragansett, RI | NOAA |