Patricia Pinto da Silva

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Interviewee Sort descending Collection Description Interviewer Date of Interview Location of Interview Affiliation
Anthony Calabrese Voices from the Science Centers

Anthony Calabrese was born in Providence, RI on February 25, 1937. Growing up, he was interested in fishing and the ocean. Dr. Calabrese earned his masters at Auburn University in Alabama, and later earned his PhD in Zoology/Ecology from the University of Connecticut. He began his career at the Milford Laboratory in 1963. His early research focused on the effects of pollution on shellfish and he brought his expertise to EPA committees he served on. He published over 70 reports and publications and founded the Flatfish Biology Conference in 1986.

Fred Calabretta Mystic, CT NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Ariele Baker Fishtales

Ms. Baker tells a story about a trip she took as an observer for NOAA.

Markham Starr New Bedford, MA Northeast Fisheries Science Center - NOAA, Working Waterfront Festival
Arlene Hartford Women in the New England Fisheries

Arlene Hartford has spent her life in the coastal communities of Maine. Born in Harrington in 1938, Arlene grew up in a close-knit family with one sister and three brothers. She weathered the challenges of her parents' divorce at a young age, and her mother's determination and dedication ensured that Arlene and her siblings were well-provided for, despite limited resources.

Patricia Pinto da Silva Prospect Harbor, ME NOAA Fisheries
Barry Berejikian Voices from the Science Centers

Barry Berejikianwas born in 1967 in Panorama City, California, and spent his childhood summers going north on camping and fishing trips, particularly for trout and salmon. As a behavior ecologist, he leads the Behavioral Ecology Team and the Hatchery Reform Science Program at the Northwest Fisheries Science Center in Manchester, Washington. He received his B.S. in Environmental and Systematic Biology from California Polytechnic State University in 1990 and his M.S. in 1992 and his PhD. in 1995 in Fisheries from the University of Washington.

Maggie Allen Manchester, WA NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Beth Phelan-Hill Voices from the Science Centers

Beth Phelan Hill, Ph.D. has been a research fishery biologist at the J.J. Howard Marine Sciences Lab at Sandy Hook since 1984. She earned her PhD from Rutgers University. At the time of this interview, she was the Chief of Fisheries Ecology.

Interview contains discussions of:Changes in focus for lab, ecology, ecosystem management, ocean acidification and climate change.

In this interview, Beth Phelan Hill discusses her work with the Northeast Fisheries Science Center including funding challenges and the evolution of data management.

Bonnie McCay Highlands, NJ NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Betty Young Voices from the Science Centers

Interview with Hazel Nishimura, Darryl Tagami, Betty Young, Marian Yong by Edward Glazier. All four interviewees are current or retired employees of the Honolulu Lab which became the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center.

Edward Glazier Aina Haina, HI NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Bill Adler Fishtales

Bill Adler, the Executive Director of the Massachusetts Lobstermen's Association, began lobstering in 1963 and has remained involved in the industry since. He started by gathering sea moss off the coast of Marshfield and transitioned to lobstering. Adler holds a master's degree in English and taught school while continuing to lobster. He has been involved in the politics of the lobstering industry and holds positions in various commissions and organizations, including the Lobster Institute.

Markham Starr New Bedford, MA Northeast Fisheries Science Center - NOAA, Working Waterfront Festival
Bill Gell Fishtales

Bill Gell was a pilot who flew a spotter plane for swordfishermen in the 1970's and 1980's. He shares the story of a practical joke he played on Rodney Avila as well as life as a pilot.


Markham Starr New Bedford, MA Northeast Fisheries Science Center - NOAA, Working Waterfront Festival
Bradford Brown Voices from the Science Centers

Bradford Brown was born in 1939 in Worcester, Massachusetts. He received his undergraduate degree from Cornell, his Master's from Auburn and his PhD from Oklahoma State University. He began working for the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries at the Woods Hole lab in 1962. He worked in Woods Hole, Massachusetts from 1962 – 1965 and 1970- 1984. In between he served as Assistant Leader of the Fish and Wildlife Service’s Oklahoma Cooperative Fisheries Units and as Assistant Professor of Zoology at Oklahoma State University.

Suzana Mic Miami, FL NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Bradford Hathaway Fishtales

Bradford Hathaway was a reporter for the New Bedford, MA Standard Times. He covered the waterfront for a number years. He recounts a few stories from his career including the loss of two fishing vessels and a visit on a Russian fishing vessel.

Markham Starr New Bedford, MA Northeast Fisheries Science Center - NOAA, Working Waterfront Festival