Aina Haina, HI
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Interviewee Sort descending | Collection | Description | Interviewer | Date of Interview | Location of Interview | Affiliation |
Betty Young | Voices from the Science Centers |
Interview with Hazel Nishimura, Darryl Tagami, Betty Young, Marian Yong by Edward Glazier. All four interviewees are current or retired employees of the Honolulu Lab which became the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center. |
Edward Glazier | Aina Haina, HI | NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center | |
Darryl Tagami | Voices from the Science Centers |
Interview with Hazel Nishimura, Darryl Tagami, Betty Young, Marian Yong by Edward Glazier. All four interviewees are current or retired employees of the Honolulu Lab which became the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center. |
Edward Glazier | Aina Haina, HI | NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center | |
Hazel Nishimura | Voices from the Science Centers |
Interview with Hazel Nishimura, Darryl Tagami, Betty Young, Marian Yong by Edward Glazier. All four interviewees are current or retired employees of the Honolulu Lab which became the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center. Hazel Nishimura grew up in Hawaii and worked for the National Marine Fisheries Service Honolulu Lab retiring as Head Librarian in 1990 after 30 years. She graduated from the University of Hawaii with a Bachelors in History and from Case Western University with a Master's in Library Science. |
Edward Glazier | Aina Haina, HI | NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center | |
Marian Yong | Voices from the Science Centers |
Interview with Hazel Nishimura, Darryl Tagami, Betty Young, Marian Yong by Edward Glazier. All four interviewees are current or retired employees of the Honolulu Lab which became the Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center. |
Edward Glazier | Aina Haina, HI | NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center |