Kip Young

Location of Interview
Collection Name

Ellsworth High School - Maine


These interviews were conducted as part of Ellsworth High School's participation in the NOAA Fisheries Service  (NMFS) Local Fisheries Knowledge Pilot Project 2003-2005.  All 10th graders participated in this interdisciplinary project that involved English, History, Social Studies, and Biology classes. To read about the LFK Project, go to

Date of Interview

Joyce Whitmore 

Principal Investigator

Kip Young is a seasoned lobster fisherman and tuna fisherman hailing from Corea by the Sea, Maine. Born and raised in a coastal town, Kip was drawn to the sea and the fishing industry from a young age. At the age of fourteen, he made the decision to become a lobsterman, primarily because it was the main industry in his town and he found it to be a fun and exciting endeavor.

Scope and Content Note:
In his interview with student interviewers from Ellsworth High School, Kip shares insights into his life as a lobster fisherman and tuna fisherman. He discusses the challenges he faced starting out on his own, the rewarding aspects of his work, and the importance of technology in his fishing operations. Kip faced various challenges and obstacles throughout his thirty-year career. Initially, he lacked proper guidance and instruction in the trade. With determination and resourcefulness, he managed to fix up an old boat he found and bought used traps from older fishermen in his community. Despite his passion for lobstering, Kip struggled to make a substantial income from it, which led him to take on other jobs intermittently. He worked at a sardine factory in Prospect Harbor and a gas station in Ellsworth, and even pursued a career as a guitar player. Over the years, Kip gained valuable experience and knowledge about the lobstering industry. He discovered that lobstering was not only a peaceful and fulfilling profession but also financially rewarding. Despite pursuing other ventures, Kip always found himself returning to lobstering during tough times, as it proved to be a more lucrative option. In recent years, Kip's dedication and hard work paid off. He ventured into tuna fishing, which proved to be a successful endeavor for him. With the earnings from tuna fishing, he invested in his lobstering business, purchasing brand new lobster traps and necessary equipment. Kip even built his own boat, which enabled him to expand his operations. Kip's commitment to his work has allowed him to consistently work for the past ten years. However, he has also pursued other interests alongside his fishing career. Kip is a licensed drug and alcohol counselor and has worked in that field during the winter months. He is also an accomplished guitar player, performing regularly on weekends. Kip also mentions his plans for the future, including his decision to retire from his counseling job and focus solely on fishing and taking care of his daughter. Overall, Kip Young's biography reflects his resilience, passion, and dedication to the fishing industry, as well as his ability to adapt to changing circumstances and pursue multiple interests in his life.

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The NOAA mission is to understand and predict changes in climate, weather, oceans, and coasts, to share that knowledge and information with others, and to conserve and manage coastal and marine ecosystems and resources. The Voices Oral History Archives offers public access to a wide range of accounts, including historical materials that are products of their particular times, and may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes.

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