Bob Hessler
Ellsworth High School - Maine
These interviews were conducted as part of Ellsworth High School's participation in the NOAA Fisheries Service (NMFS) Local Fisheries Knowledge Pilot Project 2003-2005. All 10th graders participated in this interdisciplinary project that involved English, History, Social Studies, and Biology classes. To read about the LFK Project, go to
Cassie Cloak
Alisa Gibeault
Sarah Gauvin
Bob Hessler is the manager at Maine Shellfish Company, a shellfish wholesale company. His responsibilities are accounting, data processing, and purchaser of lobsters.
Scope and Content Note
Bob discusses the economic effect of fishing on the greater Ellsworth economy and the impact of tourism and their demands for specific types of fish. He discusses quality control of catch supplied to Maine Shellfish. He talks about new technology in fish processing industry. The students from Ellsworth High School ask questions about the role of the company in the fishing industry and the products it supplies. Hessler explains that the company provides a stable market for fishermen by buying a number of species such as lobster, clams, native shrimp, and Maine shrimp. He is involved in accounting, data processing, and buying lobsters. Hessler prefers to buy lobsters locally because the lobsters have a softer shell during the summer, and transportation for longer distances would damage them. The company sells fish to restaurants and institutions in Maine and delivers the fish using its own trucks. The company has both aquaculture fish and wild fish, and it sells fish by the pound. Hessler talks about how technology has changed the company. All the sales are done on palm pilots, and the invoices are also created on the device. The company deals with more regulations than before, particularly from the Department of Human Resources and the FDA [Food and Drug Administration]. The interviewee also explains that the company is subject to unexpected visits from regulators, who check that the company is sticking to its plans. Accurate recording is essential, and the company has an accurate recording system for everything that comes into the shop. Hessler shares a big concern from fishermen regarding the use of hide bait, including cowhide, which some fishermen worry may affect lobsters' health. He also explains the V-notch on female lobsters' tails, which indicates that they are reproducing females and should be thrown back if caught.
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