Bristol Bay Native Association

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Interviewee Sort descending Collection Description Interviewer Date of Interview Location of Interview Affiliation
June Ingram Women in Alaska Fisheries

June Ingram is an elder Yupik fisherwoman from Bristol Bay, Alaska. She has fished salmon (subsistence and commercial) at her family's fish camp site, which has been in her family since the 1940's. In the interview June describes what it's like to fish with multiple generations of her family and how she passes on values and lessons to younger generations through salmon fishing practices. She also discusses her experience of environmental change.

Anna Lavoie, Kitty Sopow Dillingham, AK Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, NOAA Fisheries, Alaska Fisheries Science Center , Bristol Bay Native Association , NOAA Preserve America Initiative
Leilani Luhrs Women in Alaska Fisheries

Leilani Luhrs is a commercial and subsistence fisherwomen who fishes out of Togiak, AK. In this interview, Leilani talks about learning how to fish from her Dad and her experiences as being one of the few young girls fishing in Togiak Bay when she was growing up. Leilani also talks about environmental changes she?s witnessed, and how her family has adapted to the uncertainty of fishing. Leilani also speaks to her own identity as fishing as a way of life and her deep connection to the ocean.

Kim Sparks , Anna Lavoie, Jean Lee, Kitty Sopow Togiak, AK Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, NOAA Fisheries, Alaska Fisheries Science Center , Bristol Bay Native Association , Preserve America
Lindsay Layland Women in Alaska Fisheries

Lindsay Layland is a commercial fisher based in Dillingham, Alaska, and also works as the Deputy Director at United Tribes of Bristol Bay (UTBB). She began commercial fishing as a child on her dad’s boat in the Bristol Bay salmon set net fishery and currently captains her own boat in the same fishery.  In this interview she talks about the physical labor that goes into fishing, the lesson’s she’s learned captaining a boat, and her concerns about current environmental threats to the fishery.

Anna Lavoie, Jean Lee Dillingham, AK Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, NOAA Fisheries, Alaska Fisheries Science Center , Bristol Bay Native Association , NOAA Preserve America Initiative
Rhonda Wayner Women in Alaska Fisheries

Rhonda discusses her history in the fishery, environmental changes she's witnessed, as well as family bonds that are created through fishing. This interview is part of the Alaska Native Fisherwomen of Bristol Bay oral history project, a partnership between NOAA Fisheries Alaska Fisheries Science Center and Bristol Bay Native Association.

Kim Sparks Naknek, AK Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, NOAA Fisheries, Alaska Fisheries Science Center , Bristol Bay Native Association , NOAA Preserve America Initiative
Rhonda Wayner, Harmony Wayner and Betty Bonin Women in Alaska Fisheries

Betty Bonin (grandmother), Rhonda Wayner (mother) and Harmony Wayner (daughter) represent three generations of Alaska Native fisherwomen in Naknek, Alaska. In this interview, these ladies discuss their family heritage of having strong, female fishers in the family, the physical nature of fishing, and family roles in the fishery. Rhonda participated in a follow-up phone interview where she further discusses her history in the fishery, environmental changes she's witnessed, as well as family bonds that are created through fishing.

Kim Sparks , Kitty Sopow Naknek, AK Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, NOAA Fisheries, Alaska Fisheries Science Center , Bristol Bay Native Association , NOAA Preserve America Initiative
Simuka Smith Women in Alaska Fisheries

Simuka Smith is a fisherwoman living in Dillingham Alaska who has participated in subsistence and commercial fishing for the past two decades. She is a retired commercial fisherwoman and skilled in many trades. She talks about her experiences and adventures commercial and subsistence fishing, and moose hunting as well as her overall life in Bristol Bay. This interview is part of the Alaska Native Fisherwomen of Bristol Bay oral history project, a partnership between NOAA Fisheries Alaska Fisheries Science Center and Bristol Bay Native Association.

Anna Lavoie, Jean Lee, Kim Sparks , Kitty Sopow Dillingham, AK Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, NOAA Fisheries, Alaska Fisheries Science Center , Bristol Bay Native Association , NOAA Preserve America Initiative
Wassiliisa "Deedee" Bennis Women in Alaska Fisheries

Wassiliisa (Deedee) lives in Dillingham, Alaska and is the Chief Administrative Officer at Bristol Bay Native Association, where she has worked for over forty years. In this interview Deedee describes how she grew up fishing with her father, who was a commercial fisherman, and how she values family engagement in the fishery.

Kim Sparks , Jean Lee, Christopher Maines Dillingham, AK Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission, NOAA Fisheries, Alaska Fisheries Science Center , Bristol Bay Native Association , NOAA Preserve America Initiative