Kate E. Yentes

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Interviewee Sort descending Collection Description Interviewer Date of Interview Location of Interview Affiliation
Amber Jeskey Oral Histories from the New England Fisheries

Amber Jeskey works as a wharf manager and sternman. She explains what her daily life is like when she is working.

Project Leaders: Lisa L. Colburn and Kate E. Yentes
Date Collection Completed: On going
Location: www.voices.nmfs.noaa.gov
Geographic Location: Locations across New England

Lisa Colburn , Amy Grover Cushing, ME NOAA Fisheries
Anonymous Oral Histories from the New England Fisheries

She was the wife of a fishermen. She discusses her husband's history in fishing and family ties to other fishermen.Project

Leaders: Lisa L. Colburn and Kate E. Yentes
Date Collection Completed: On going
Location: www.voices.nmfs.noaa.gov
Geographic Location: Locations across New England

Azure Dee Westwood Rhode Island NOAA Fisheries
Anonymous Oral Histories from the New England Fisheries

She describes her life as the wife of a fisherman and how regulations have changed their life plan.

Project Leaders: Lisa L. Colburn and Kate E. Yentes
Date Collection Completed: On going
Location: www.voices.nmfs.noaa.gov
Geographic Location: Locations across New England

Lisa Colburn , Azure Dee Westwood Narragansett, RI NOAA Fisheries
David Pottle Oral Histories from the New England Fisheries

David is a commercial fishermen in Eastport, Maine. Because of the economy in Eastport, David has to work multiple jobs in addition to fishing.

Project Leaders: Lisa L. Colburn and Kate E. Yentes
Date Collection Completed: On going
Location: www.voices.nmfs.noaa.gov
Geographic Location: Locations across New England

Lisa Colburn , Kate Yentes Perry, ME NOAA Fisheries
Diane Williams Oral Histories from the New England Fisheries

Diane is the wife of a lobsterman.  She speaks about how regulations are impacting her family.

Project Leaders: Lisa L. Colburn and Kate E. Yentes
Date Collection Completed: On going
Location: www.voices.nmfs.noaa.gov
Geographic Location: Locations across New England

Lisa Colburn , Amy Gerber Stonington, ME NOAA Fisheries
Doug Miner Oral Histories from the New England Fisheries

Doug ran a fishing vessel until 2008 when the regulations forced him to change careers. He is now working on a tug boat.

Project Leaders: Lisa L. Colburn and Kate E. Yentes
Date Collection Completed: On going
Location: www.voices.nmfs.noaa.gov
Geographic Location: Locations across New England

Kate Yentes, Tarsila Seara Stonington, CT NOAA Fisheries
Elizabeth Kordowski Oral Histories from the New England Fisheries

Elizabeth is currently working at a Port Agent in Point Judith, Rhode Island. She speaks about her involvement in the fishery from working as a sternman to her current position.

Project Leaders: Lisa L. Colburn and Kate E. Yentes
Date Collection Completed: On going
Location: www.voices.nmfs.noaa.gov
Geographic Location: Locations across New England

Lisa Colburn , Azure Dee Westwood Narragansett, RI NOAA Fisheries
Ellen Schomer Oral Histories from the New England Fisheries

Ellen is a former fisherman. She speaks about what it was like being a woman in the fishing industry.

Project Leaders: Lisa L. Colburn and Kate E. Yentes
Date Collection Completed: On going
Location: www.voices.nmfs.noaa.gov
Geographic Location: Locations across New England

Lisa Colburn South Kingstown, RI NOAA Fisheries
George Harris Oral Histories from the New England Fisheries

George speaks about what it is like being a commercial fisherman and also having a summer tourist business to supplement his income.

Project Leaders: Lisa L. Colburn and Kate E. Yentes
Date Collection Completed: On going
Location: www.voices.nmfs.noaa.gov
Geographic Location: Locations across New England

Kate Yentes Eastport, ME NOAA Fisheries
Howard Gordon Oral Histories from the New England Fisheries

Howard is a meat cutter who went fishing with his father. He explains what is was like not being able to take over his father's fishing business.

Project Leaders: Lisa L. Colburn and Kate E. Yentes
Date Collection Completed: On going
Location: www.voices.nmfs.noaa.gov
Geographic Location: Locations across New England

Kate Yentes Sullivan, ME NOAA Fisheries