Patricia Pinto da Silva

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Interviewee Sort descending Collection Description Interviewer Date of Interview Location of Interview Affiliation
Michael Sissenwine Voices from the Science Centers

Michael Sissenwine was born in 1947. He earned his B.S. in Physics and Mathematics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and his M.S. in Oceanography at the University of Rhode Island. He began working as a scientist at the Northeast Fisheries Science Center at Woods Hole in 1975, eventually rising to the position of Center Director at the Woods Hole lab and later, Director of Scientific Programs and Chief Science Advisor at NOAA Fisheries.

Joshua Wrigley Falmouth, MA NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Nancy C. Quintin Fishtales

Nancy Quintin is the daughter of an Azorean whaleman and the husband of a scallop captain for 30+ years. She tells the story of when she was pregnant and was on the radio with her husband.

Markham Starr New Bedford, MA Northeast Fisheries Science Center - NOAA, Working Waterfront Festival
Nancy C. Quintin Fishtales

Mrs. Quintin tells of how the flavor of raw scallops differs from different parts of the ocean.

Markham Starr New Bedford, MA Northeast Fisheries Science Center - NOAA, Working Waterfront Festival
Nancy Harrington Women in the New England Fisheries

Nancy Harrington has deep roots in the fishing and processing industry. Starting as a young worker in a sardine factory, she became a steadfast figure in the industry, working as a fish packer.  Nancy’s husband is a lobster fisherman and house painter. Nancy worked at the Stinson Cannery in Prospect Harbor, Maine, for forty-four years.  

Patricia Pinto da Silva Milbridge, ME NOAA Fisheries
Nancy Thompson Voices from the Science Centers

Dr. Nancy Thompson was born in September 1949 in Newark, New Jersey. She earned her PhD from the University of Rhode Island. Dr. Thompson worked for NOAA from 1980-2011, serving as the Director at both the Southeast and Northeast Fisheries Science Centers during her career. At the time of this interview in 2016, she was working at the University of South Florida’s College of Marine Science.

Suzana Mic Miami, FL NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Nia Panteleakos Fishtales

Ms. Panteleakos talks about recreational fishing.

Markham Starr New Bedford, MA Northeast Fisheries Science Center - NOAA, Working Waterfront Festival
Pat Hubright Fishtales

Ms. Hubright's father was a fisherman. She tells about life at home and a story from her father's encounter with a Russian submarine during the war.

Markham Starr New Bedford, MA Northeast Fisheries Science Center - NOAA, Working Waterfront Festival
Patricia Clay Voices from the Science Centers

Dr. Patricia Clay is a fisheries anthropologist with the Social Science Branch of NOAA, where she has worked since 1993. She has a B.A. in Anthropology and Modern Languages from Notre Dame, and a PhD in Anthropology from Indiana University. She works with the NMFS Northeast Fisheries Science Center in Woods Hole, Massachusetts from the NMFS headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Ruth Sando Silver Spring, MD NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Patricia Gerrior Voices from the Science Centers

Patricia Gerrior was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts and grew up in Weymouth, Massachusetts where she would spend time on the water with her father which led to her interest in marine science. She studied Biology at Colby College in Waterville, Maine and began her 40 year career during her junior year in college with the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries which became NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service.

Madeleine Hall-Arber Falmouth, MA NOAA-NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Paul Costa Fishtales

Paul Costa recounts his short lived career as a recreational fisherman.

Markham Starr New Bedford, MA Northeast Fisheries Science Center - NOAA, Working Waterfront Festival