Paul Anderson

Voices of the Maine Fishermen’s Forum 2019
Voices of the Maine Fishermen’s Forum 2019 is a project of Maine Sea Grant, The First Coast, College of the Atlantic, and the Island Institute, with support from the Maine Fishermen’s Forum Board of Directors.
Griffin Pollock
Paul Anderson is a scientist and executive director for the Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries from Winterport, ME.
Scope and Content Note
Paul Anderson talks about the encouraging trend of collaboration between scientists and fishermen in Maine, the necessary growth of citizen science on the coast, the failure of scientists at large to adequately address the problems posed by climate change, and the importance of integrating aquaculture into the larger Gulf of Maine ecosystem. He notes that his career has primarily focused on communities and ecosystems, but he has recently delved into the world of fish, particularly lobster. While lobster dominates the industry, Anderson emphasizes the need to consider the broader ecosystem and the interconnections with other species. He highlights the issue of bait scarcity, primarily in the herring fishery, and suggests exploring creative solutions beyond relying solely on herring. Another concern Anderson addresses is the impact of whales on the lobster fishery. He recognizes that the problem extends beyond entanglement and emphasizes understanding the ecosystem dynamics affecting whale populations, such as their food availability. Anderson discusses a new initiative launched by the Maine Center for Coastal Fisheries, in collaboration with NOAA fisheries and DMR, to explore ecosystem-based fisheries management in eastern Maine. Anderson highlights the importance of understanding migratory patterns and feeding behaviors of right whales to better analyze their interactions with the lobster fishery.
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