Michael Wills

Michael Wills Image
Location of Interview
Collection Name

Collecting Stories at the National Working Waterfronts and Waterways Symposium 2018


Collecting Stories at the National Working Waterfronts and Waterways Symposium 2018 is a project of Maine Sea Grant, College of the Atlantic, the Island Institute, and the National Working Waterfront Network.

Date of Interview

National Capital Contracting 

Principal Investigator

From initially moving to Traverse City, Michigan, to open a dive shop, Mike Wills has worked in a variety of waterfront-related jobs, from working on boats, operating two marinas, opening a community sailing program, and developing three waterfront real estate in downtown Traverse City. Wills serves as the chair of the Discovery Center Great Lakes, a prominent organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the working waterfront in Traverse City, Michigan. His tenure at the Discovery Center has been marked by a deep personal connection to water, which has fueled his commitment to the waterfront's development and conservation. Wills' background and experiences have positioned him as a key figure in the local community, where he has been instrumental in spearheading various initiatives aimed at enhancing the waterfront's value both as a natural resource and as a hub for economic activity. His leadership has been pivotal in navigating the challenges and opportunities associated with maintaining a vibrant working waterfront, balancing the needs of economic development with environmental stewardship. Wills' efforts have not only contributed to the local landscape but have also resonated within broader networks of individuals and organizations dedicated to similar causes.

Scope and Content Note
The interview with Michael Wills provides an in-depth look at the significance of the working waterfront in Traverse City, Michigan, and his personal investment in water-related issues. As a city that is economically-dependent on the waterfront, Mike describes the current fundraising efforts to help the city develop its waterfront. Wills discusses the various developments he has overseen on the waterfront, detailing the projects that have been completed and those that are in the pipeline. He outlines the future plans for the area, highlighting the potential for growth and the importance of maintaining a balance between development and conservation. Wills also sheds light on the role of the Rotary Club in supporting the waterfront initiatives, acknowledging the club's contributions to the success of their projects. Furthermore, he reflects on the connections and insights gained at the National Working Waterfront Symposium, emphasizing the value of networking and collaboration among professionals and stakeholders in the field. The interview captures Wills' vision for the waterfront, his dedication to the community, and his strategic approach to ensuring the long-term vitality of the working waterfront in Traverse City.

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The NOAA mission is to understand and predict changes in climate, weather, oceans, and coasts, to share that knowledge and information with others, and to conserve and manage coastal and marine ecosystems and resources. The Voices Oral History Archives offers public access to a wide range of accounts, including historical materials that are products of their particular times, and may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes.

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