Marc Hoffman

Voices of the Maine Fishermen’s Forum 2019
Voices of the Maine Fishermen’s Forum 2019 is a project of Maine Sea Grant, The First Coast, College of the Atlantic, and the Island Institute, with support from the Maine Fishermen’s Forum Board of Directors.
Annaleena Vaher
Marc Hoffman is a business owner, author, and advocate for fisheries management. As the owner of M. K. Hoffman Services, he specializes in selling automotive mechanical lubricants and additives aimed at improving fuel efficiency. With his book Shell Game, Hoffman alleges that the high 2008 oil prices were caused by actions of investment banks rather than the mortgage collapse. Additionally, he actively participates in fisheries management as a member of the Atlantic States Fisheries Commission Advisory Panel.
Scope and Content Note
In this interview, Marc Hoffman talks about his automobile lubricant company and his recent book Shell Game. In the last part of the interview, Hoffman explains his role in the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Advisory Panel and the current challenges that rapidly increasing sea bass populations may cause to the lobster industry and inshore lobsterman in the Gulf of Maine. Hoffman talks about how he serves on the Atlantic States Fisheries Commission Advisory Panel for sea bass, carp, and fluke. He argues that the sea bass population is growing rapidly and negatively impacting other species, particularly lobsters. He believes that the increased sea bass population is the result of the fish expanding their range in search of food rather than solely due to global warming. He expresses concerns about the decline of inshore lobstermen and calls for increased quotas for sea bass.
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