Daniel Devereaux

Voices of the Maine Fishermen’s Forum 2019
Voices of the Maine Fishermen’s Forum 2019 is a project of Maine Sea Grant, The First Coast, College of the Atlantic, and the Island Institute, with support from the Maine Fishermen’s Forum Board of Directors.
Griffin Pollock
Daniel Devereaux, from Brunswick, ME, is harbor master, clam warden, and cofounder of Mere Point Oyster Company in Maquoit Bay.
Scope and Content Note
In this interview, Daniel Devereaux talks about the problems that his new farm is facing at the hands of coastal property owners, how those conflicts are being resolved, how aquaculture ought to be accepted by environmentalists, and the continuing gentrification of the Maine coast. Devereaux explains that he and his partner chose the location for their oyster farm based on their knowledge of the area and its suitability for oyster growth. He also emphasizes his and his partner's commitment to the ecological health of Maquoit Bay. He says that they have witnessed the decline of resources in the bay over the past 25 years, such as the loss of eelgrass and the negative effects of nutrient intrusion. By establishing their oyster farm, Devereaux hopes to contribute to the bay's recovery by reintroducing filter-feeding shellfish and compares the bay's ecosystem to a pool, explaining how the removal of filters, such as shellfish, can lead to excessive algae growth. He also highlights the need for innovative approaches to address the declining shellfish populations and the challenges posed by climate change.
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