Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

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  • Collection DOI:
    Principal Investigator:
    Lekelia Jenkins
  • Partnering with the Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum in Biloxi, Mississippi and various Sea Grant programs, this project collects and preserves early 1980s Turtle Excluder Device (TED) oral histories from the inventors of early TEDs, the NOAA Fisheries and Sea Grant personnel central to the development of TEDs, and local shrimpers about their experiences using the early TEDs.

Interviewee Sort descending Collection Description Interviewer Date of Interview Location of Interview Affiliation
Andrew Kemmerer Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

Dr. Andrew J. Kemmerer was born on February 11, 1938, in Bryan, Texas. In his early youth, Kemmerer lived in College Station, Texas, eventually moving to Tucson, Arizona at six years old.  Kemmerer spent most of his childhood at his Tucson home and quickly developed an adoration for the outdoors. He spent his summers working with the Arizona Game & Fish Department, the Parks Service, and several other employers that allowed him to work outside. In 1960, Kemmerer graduated from the University of Arizona with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Wildlife Management.

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey Brandon, MS Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi
Bob Jones Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

Interview with Bob Jones, born in 1933, who at the time of the interview was the Executive Director of the Southeast Fisheries Association. Interview contains his recollections of the implementation of TEDs within the fishery, opinions on federal management, thoughts on the decline of the shrimp fishery, industry challenges and relations with environmental organizations.

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey Tallahassee, FL Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi
Charles Oravetz Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

Interview with Charles "Chuck" Oravetz born December 1942 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  He retired from National Marine Fisheries Service in 2001 as Assistant Regional Administrator for Protected Resources.  His work involved developing and implementing TEDs with the Pascagoula, Mississippi lab.

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey Flagler Beach, FL Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi
David Burrage Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

David Burrage was born January 7, 1953 in Hampton, Virginia. He attended Old Dominion University where he received a science degree then attended University of Rhode Island for his graduate studies in Marine Affairs. He works with the Sea Grant Extension Program in Mississippi and is an Extension Professor. David has spent over twenty years doing a service for the fishing industry in the Gulf states by making sure fisherman were aware of the Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) regulations, other upcoming regulations, and providing them with a bit of technical knowledge.

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey Biloxi, MS Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi
Deborah Crouse Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

Interview with biologist Deborah Crouse of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Crouse was born in 1950 and has worked as a scientist on turtle issues since 1982. Interview contains information on coastal habitat, introduction of TEDs, development of gear technology, turtle reproduction and survival, ecology.

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey Arlington, VA Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi
Donald Baker Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

Interview with Donald Baker, born on October 2, 1939 on Deer Island, Mississippi.  Baker is a shrimp fisherman who speaks about his use of TEDs, changes in the shrimping industry, equipment, fishing techniques and procedures, business aspects of operating a vessel. Other Topics: Hurricane Camille of 1947, growing up on coast, prices of fuel and supplies, profits, fish species, fisheries management

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey Biloxi, MS Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi
Franklin Parker Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

Interview with Frank Parker born July 4, 1973 in Biloxi, Mississippi.  Parker is a lifelong shrimp fisherman.  Interview contains information on fishing practices, perceptions of TEDs during their early years of implementation and technical details regarding the shrimping industry.

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey Biloxi, MS Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi
Gary Graham Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

Interview with Gary Graham (born in 1946), a retired professor at Texas A & M and marine fisheries specialist with Texas Sea Grant. Graham also served as Gulf Regional Coordinator for the Gulf and South Atlantic Fisheries Foundation and worked as a shrimper. Graham discusses his involvement in the industry from the early 1980's onward doing educational outreach to industry professionals. Collected data on how TEDs perform while on offshore test voyages using early NMFS TEDs. Other Topics: industry perception of TEDs, cannonball, jellyfish shooters, Georgia Jumper Morrison, TED

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey Unknown Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi
John Mitchell Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

John Mitchell was born October 29, 1955, in Chicago Heights, Illinois.  He is a Unit Leader for the Harvesting Systems Unit, NOAA Fisheries, Southeast Fishery Science Center, Mississippi Laboratories. Mitchell started out working as a fisheries technician at the Pascagoula laboratory in 1981, working as a fisheries observer on Japanese longliners that were fishing in the Gulf of Mexico for tuna. He would ride the boats for months. He would sometimes transfer from one boat to another at sea.

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey Pascagoula, MS Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi
John Watson Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

Interview with John Watson, born May 23, 1948 in Baton Rouge, LA. At the time of the interview he was retired from NOAA Fisheries and working as a consultant. He had been Director of the Mississippi Laboratories in Pascagoula, Mississippi overseeing all of the lab operations.

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey Moss Point, MS Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi