Biloxi, MS
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Interviewee Sort descending | Collection | Description | Interviewer | Date of Interview | Location of Interview | Affiliation |
Clyde Leslie Brown | Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster Oral History |
Mr. Clyde Leslie Brown was born July 1, 1932, in Pecan, Mississippi, to Nathaniel Richard Brown (born November 22, 1901, in Canoe, Alabama) and Mary Edna Stork Brown (born February 28, 1906, in Pecan, Mississippi). His father was a farmer who ran a general store in Canoe, Alabama, and his mother was a housewife. His mother’s father was a commercial fisherman in Jackson County, Mississippi, who ran a general store in Pecan, Mississippi. On September 4, 1955, he married Annie Marie Jones. |
Barbara Hester | Biloxi, MS | NOAA-NMFS, University of Southern Mississippi - Northern Gulf Institute | |
Corky Hire | Ethnicity in the Seafood Industry on the Mississippi Gulf Coast |
Corky Hire may have had an inauspicious beginning to his shrimping career, taking over for his ailing father, but now 70 years later, his memories of working the Gulf are almost all fond ones. His time on boats, through the 30's and 40's, was during a time when Biloxi's seafood industry was growing tremendously and ail schooners were being replaced by powered boats, and Croatian families were making the shift from immigrant laborers to cannery owners and professionals. |
Francis Lam | Biloxi, MS | Southern Foodways Alliance | |
Daniel Quan Nguyen | Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster Oral History |
Reverend Daniel Quan Nguyen was born, one of five children, on July 15, 1941, in Tay Ninh Province (east of Saigon), South Vietnam. His parents were farmers and his father died when he was just a year old. Reverend Nguyen attended high school and university in Saigon, studying science and law, then becoming a high school math teacher. From 1968 to 1975, he served as an infantry commander in the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnamese Army). He was stationed with the Fourth Battalion Regiment of the Seventh Division in the Mekong Delta. |
Linda VanZandt, Angel Truong Phan | Biloxi, MS | NOAA-NMFS, University of Southern Mississippi - Northern Gulf Institute | |
David Burrage | Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories |
David Burrage was born January 7, 1953 in Hampton, Virginia. He attended Old Dominion University where he received a science degree then attended University of Rhode Island for his graduate studies in Marine Affairs. He works with the Sea Grant Extension Program in Mississippi and is an Extension Professor. David has spent over twenty years doing a service for the fishing industry in the Gulf states by making sure fisherman were aware of the Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) regulations, other upcoming regulations, and providing them with a bit of technical knowledge. |
Stephanie Scull-DeArmey | Biloxi, MS | Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi | |
Donald Baker | Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories |
Interview with Donald Baker, born on October 2, 1939 on Deer Island, Mississippi. Baker is a shrimp fisherman who speaks about his use of TEDs, changes in the shrimping industry, equipment, fishing techniques and procedures, business aspects of operating a vessel. Other Topics: Hurricane Camille of 1947, growing up on coast, prices of fuel and supplies, profits, fish species, fisheries management |
Stephanie Scull-DeArmey | Biloxi, MS | Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi | |
Earl W. Ross | Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster Oral History |
Earl Ross is a commercial shrimper in the Gulf of Mexico. Ross was born on December 13, 1947, in Biloxi, Mississippi, to Mr. Wildon Ross (born April 22, 1922, in Biloxi) and Mrs. Ruth Wallis Ross) born September 27, 1929). His father was a police officer, taxicab owner, and shrimper in Biloxi. His mother was a bookkeeper. His father’s family were shrimpers who owned local businesses, including grocery stores, clothing stores, and taxicabs. His mother’s family were shrimpers and bakers. On November 17, 1968, he married his wife, Charlene (born December 14, 1947). |
Barbara Hester | Biloxi, MS | NOAA-NMFS, University of Southern Mississippi - Northern Gulf Institute | |
Edmund Anthony Boudreaux, Jr. | Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster Oral History |
Mr. Edmond Anthony Boudreaux Jr. was born in 1949 to Edmond Boudreaux Sr. and Nita Mae Thomas Boudreaux. He is the third of eight children. He is married to Virginia L. Bertucci Boudreaux, and they have three sons, Edmond Boudreaux III, Brandon Boudreaux, and Marcus Boudreaux. Boudreaux is a 1967 graduate of Notre Dame High School in Biloxi, Mississippi. He was an AT&T service technician from 1973 until 2010, when he retired. |
Stephanie Scull-DeArmey | , | Biloxi, MS | NOAA-NMFS, University of Southern Mississippi - Northern Gulf Institute |
Frank Parker | Ethnicity in the Seafood Industry on the Mississippi Gulf Coast |
Even in a town like Biloxi, it's not often someone can claim seven generations of fishing heritage. The line in Frank Parker's family may have stopped at six when his parents pushed him to go to college and consider other lines of work, but the years of growing up playing on the dock had him pretty well convinced he was going to go back out onto the Gulf. So at 24 years old, 12 credits shy of graduating, Frank decided to listen to the sirens and bought himself a boat. The funny thing, though, is that his parents listened to them too. |
Francis Lam | Biloxi, MS | Southern Foodways Alliance | |
Franklin Lance Parker | Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster Oral History |
Mr. Frank Parker is a lifelong commercial fisherman in Biloxi, Mississippi. He was born on July 4, 1973, in Biloxi, Mississippi, to Mr. Olin Boyce Parker (born April 13, 1944, in Pascagoula, Mississippi) and Mrs. Velma Elaine Terry Parker (born January 26, 1945). His father was a fisherman and a furniture refinisher from 1964 to 1999. His father’s family were farmers in the Mississippi Delta. His mother was a homemaker. His mother’s family were watermen, including fishermen, ship captains, and ship pilots. |
Stephanie Scull-DeArmey | Biloxi, MS | NOAA-NMFS, University of Southern Mississippi - Northern Gulf Institute | |
Franklin Parker | Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories |
Interview with Frank Parker born July 4, 1973 in Biloxi, Mississippi. Parker is a lifelong shrimp fisherman. Interview contains information on fishing practices, perceptions of TEDs during their early years of implementation and technical details regarding the shrimping industry. |
Stephanie Scull-DeArmey | Biloxi, MS | Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi |