Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum

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Interviewee Sort descending Collection Description Interviewer Date of Interview Location of Interview Affiliation
Lindsey Parker Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

Interview with Lindsey Parker born on December 18, 1956 in Atlanta, Georgia. Parker teaches at the University of Georgia as a Marine Resource Specialist and worked on TED development.

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey Brunswick, GA Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi
Michael J. Harris Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

Interview with Mike Harris, Chief of Nongame Conservation Section, Wildlife Resources Division, Georgia DNR. Harris began work for Georgia DNR's Coastal Resources Division in 1986 and worked on introducing TEDs in the Georgia shrimping industry. In this interview, Harris speaks about the development of TEDs from Sinkey Boone's original Jellyball Shooter, federal regulations and attitudes in the fishing industry toward conservation measures.

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey Social Circle, GA Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi - Northern Gulf Institute
Michael Weber Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

Interview with Michael Weber, born November 2, 1949 in Hawthorne, California.  At the time of the interview, Weber was a program officer for the Resources Legacy Fund.  In this interview, he discusses aspects of sea turtle conservation and issues surrounding the implementation of bycatch reduction devices. Redondo Beach

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey Redondo Beach, CA Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi
Noah Saunders Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

Interview with Noah Saunders, born September 21, 1963 in Biloxi, MS. Saunders was a gear manufacturer who invented the Supershooter TED in collaboration with National Marine Fisheries Services.

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey Biloxi, MS Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi
Paul Raymond Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

Paul Raymond was born December 11, 1955 in Augsburg, Germany.  He is an Assistant Special Agent with NOAA Law Enforcement.

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey Titusville, FL Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi
Sally Murphy Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

Interview with Sally Murphy born October 16, 1943 in Savannah, GA. Murphy is the retired Sea Turtle Coordinator of the SC Dept. of Natural Resources. She established their turtle conservation program and conducted research to determine impacts on sea turtles and management of recovery efforts. Her work also included monitoring declines in the species as well as education and outreach to the public. Interview Topics: Sinkey Boone, Georgia Jumper, Super Shooter, Bycatch reduction devices, Started as Co-Leader of Turtle Recovery Team in 1979

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey Sheldon, SC Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi
Sinkey Boone Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

Interview with Sinkey Boone of Darien, Georgia, born in 1937.  Interview consists of Boone's recollections of building early TEDs, bycatch, and the design of TEDs from the late-1960s onwards. Other Topics: equipment, bycatch, fish species

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey Darien, GA Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi
Sonny Morrison Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

Interview with Sonny Morrison born in 1923 in McClellenville, South Carolina. Interview contains information on the introduction of Turtle Excluder Devices and Mr. Morrison's own experiences in the shrimp fisheries.

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey McClellanville, SC Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi
Susan Shipman Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

Interview with Susan Shipman, born February 4, 1954 in Dyersburg, Tennessee.  At the time of the interview, Susan was retired from her position as Director of Coastal Resources Division with the Georgia DNR and had oversight responsibility for marine fisheries as well as research, surveys and marsh/shore protection and permitting.

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey St. Simons Island, GA Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi
Tom McIlwain Turtle Excluder Device Oral Histories

Biographical Sketch

Stephanie Scull-DeArmey Ocean Springs, MS Maritime and Seafood Industry Museum, University of Southern Mississippi