William McCann

Sector Management in New England
This project documents fishery management related changes in individuals, households, and communities in New England.
Matthew Schult
Bill McCann, 62, is a commercial fisherman out of New Bedford, Massachusetts. He began fishing with a lobsterman in 1975 after getting out of the Air Force; he has fished with various family members throughout his career and now fishes with his sons and ex-brother-in-law. Mr. McCann currently fishes predominantly for monkfish and skates, both inshore and offshore. He is an active member of sector 7 and believes that sector 7 functions better than other sectors due largely to the sector manager. He has benefited from sector management but believes that everyone needs more fish to catch and that the science used to allocate quota is not correct. Since sector management began, Mr. McCann has experienced an increase in personal income and decrease in stress. However, more people are out of work because a lot of boats are tied up, with boat owners selling allocation to make a living or, in many cases, a retirement; their crews and captains end up without work. He has seen unification in the fleet; fishermen using different gear types work together more than previously. He believes that the future is bright for some, such as those that are able to lease large quantities of fish or received large allocations.
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