Gene law is a fisherman in Newport, Oregon. He grew up in Half Moon Bay, California, and moved to Newport in 1980. He started fishing in high school with a friend, and bought his first boat, a 30 footer, after he graduated high school. He mainly fishes for Dungeness crab, but has also fished for tuna, salmon, shrimp, box crabs, sardines, and herring. His wife is very involved in his job as well, and they have four children. His son Matthew has his PhD in Chemical Engineering, and his younger son runs their 83-foot boat.
Jeff Miles was interviewed by Sarah Calhoun in Port Orford, Oregon, on July 17, 2014 as part of the Voices from POORT (Port Orford Ocean Resource Team) project. Jeff began commercial fishing with his father while he was in junior high school, after the demise of the timber industry in the area. He talks about the kinds of fishing he enjoys, problems with management and overcapitalization in fishing, and his role as an industry advisor for the Pacific Fisheries Management Council.