Raceland, LA

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Interviewee Sort descending Collection Description Interviewer Date of Interview Location of Interview Affiliation
Brenda Dardar Robichaux I Remember ... CWPPRA Personal Reflections: Environmental Portraits and Oral Histories of Louisiana’s Coastal Wetlands Stakeholders

Brenda Dardar Robichaux, born on October 15, 1958, in New Orleans, Louisiana, is a prominent figure in the United Houma Nations, having served as the Principal Chief. She spent her childhood in the south end of Golden Meadow, below the corporation limits of the town of Golden Meadow, and has lived most of her adult life in Lafourche Parish and Raceland. Robichaux's connection to Louisiana's wetlands is deeply rooted in her family's history and traditions. Her grandfather was a trapper, hunter, and farmer who used plants from the local environment for traditional medicine.

Susan Testroet-Bergeron Raceland, LA Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act
Kerry St. Pé I Remember ... CWPPRA Personal Reflections: Environmental Portraits and Oral Histories of Louisiana’s Coastal Wetlands Stakeholders

Mr. St. Pé was born in New Orleans, Louisiana on June 15, 1950. He has lived in Southeast Louisiana his entire life. He is a biologist. He worked for Water Pollution and Control under the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and later under the Department of Environmental Quality starting in 1974. Mr. St. Pé was appointed to be on the scientific technical committee of the Estuary program and was later elected Chairman. He currently works for the Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program. Mr. St.

Susan Testroet-Bergeron Raceland, LA Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act