Jon Knight

Jon Knight Image
Location of Interview
Collection Name

Sector Management in New England


This project documents fishery management related changes in individuals, households, and communities in New England.

Date of Interview

Caitlyn Lawrence

Principal Investigator

Jon Knight, 52, is the owner of Superior Trawl, a fishing gear designer and builder, in Galilee/Point Judith, Rhode Island. He began as a commercial fisherman and was drawn to working with nets. He began working for various gear shops and attended the University of Rhode Island, receiving both a technical degree in fisheries and later a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. He owns and operates Superior Trawl and is involved in cooperative research, in an effort to improve selectivity in fisheries. He believes that sectors would have worked better under Days at Sea than they do under quotas, and that the allocation process was greatly flawed. Mr. Knight believes that one of the greatest struggles right now is proper, smart management of the stock that is present. He believes there is a large amount of fish out there, but that management policies do not reflect the increase in biomass. When sectors began, there was a noticeable impact on the health of fishermen and relationships in the port; he too experienced anxiety when sectors began, but has not experienced a change in his business. Mr. Knight views fishermen as constant innovators and has seen regulations alter the nature of innovation in fisheries.

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