Scott Baker
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Interviewee Sort descending | Collection | Description | Interviewer | Date of Interview | Location of Interview | Affiliation |
Richard "Dick" Brame | 1997 North Carolina Fisheries Reform Act |
Richard "Dick" Brame was born in Brattleboro, Vermont, but grew up in eastern North Carolina. He has a long history of working for not-for-profit organizations, including the Izaak Walton League, the North Carolina Wildlife Federation, the Pennsylvania Wildlife Federation, and the Coastal Conservation Association (C.C.A.). Brame joined the C.C.A. in 1989 and served as its first Executive Director until 1999. He then transitioned to the role of Fisheries Director, representing the C.C.A. at Atlantic States and South Atlantic council meetings. |
Scott Baker | Wilmington, NC | Carolina Coastal Voices |