Lucy Warner

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Interviewee Sort descending Collection Description Interviewer Date of Interview Location of Interview Affiliation
I.M. Pei National Center for Atmospheric Research/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Oral History Collection

In this interview I.M. Pei, chief architect of the Mesa Laboratory and the Fleischmann Building, speaks passionately about his inspirations; the placement of the structures and the relationship between building and setting; the design process, down to the selection of materials; and how the Mesa Laboratory marked a very important turning point in his career.

Copyright Information: Copyright University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Lucy Warner Boulder, CO University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Walter Orr Roberts National Center for Atmospheric Research/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Oral History Collection

In this interview Walter Orr Roberts discusses the Mesa Laboratory and surrounding site, including the Fleischmann Building, and its architect, I.M. Pei. Roberts speaks briefly about his experience designing the High Altitude Observatory (HAO) and how that informed planning of the Mesa Laboratory. Roberts goes into detail discussing the structural and aesthetic design of the Mesa Laboratory and surrounding site; the relationship with the architectural team; Pei’s architectural influences; and how the rooms and spaces have been utilized throughout the years.

Lucy Warner , Boulder, CO University Corporation for Atmospheric Research