Cole Ruckstuhl
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Interviewee Sort descending | Collection | Description | Interviewer | Date of Interview | Location of Interview | Affiliation |
Cindy Cutrera | I Remember ... CWPPRA Personal Reflections: Environmental Portraits and Oral Histories of Louisiana’s Coastal Wetlands Stakeholders |
Cindy Cutrera is a lifelong resident of Morgan City, Louisiana, born in December 1956. She is married to a man who is also a lifetime resident of the city, and together they have three daughters. Two of her daughters live in the area, while the third resides in Lafayette, Louisiana. Cutrera's family has a strong connection to the local community and the natural environment, often camping at Lake End Park and participating in local gatherings. |
Cole Ruckstuhl | Morgan City, LA | Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act |