Hilary Dombrowski

Location of Interview
Collection Name

Sector Management in New England


This project documents fishery management related changes in individuals, households, and communities in New England.

Date of Interview

Caitlyn Lawrence

Principal Investigator

Hilary Dombrowski, 64, is a commercial fisherman out of Gloucester, Massachusetts. He began fishing around age 10, progressively buying and operating larger boats. He now jigs for cod and tub trawls for haddock, in the inshore. He is a member of the common pool because quota allocations were assigned based on years during which there were a great deal of regulations, thus limiting catch for many in the region. As a small fisherman, there is no real avenue for him to get into a sector, as it is quite expensive. He does not care for sectors and would return to Days at Sea management as they were before sectors were established. He feels a great deal of sadness for the future of the fishery because there are no opportunities for young people to get into the business. He has seen division among fellow fishermen as a result of sector management, as well. He is hopeful that some legislation may pass that may allow handgear fishermen to continue fishing white hake in the common pool, even after the total common pool allotment has been caught, because handgear fishermen catch such an insignificant amount. This limited impact on the fishery is part of the reason Mr. Dombrowski continues to handgear fish rather than using alternate gear types.

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