Daniel and Marie Cobb
New Jersey’s Delaware Bayshore
The Bayshore Center at Bivalve’s Oral History program is dedicated to preserving the oral history and culture of New Jersey’s Bayshore region by saving for posterity the oral histories and material culture connected with the Bayshore region, by creating a repository of recordings and data that can be used for research, by preserving, treasuring and celebrating the environment, history and culture of the Bayshore region and by sharing the heritage of the Bayshore region today and with future generations through program related activities serving visitors, students and scholars.
Patricia Moore, Volunteer Delaware Bay Museum
Marie Beebe Cobb was the daughter of Allen Beebe, owner of the Port Norris Iron Works, who fabricated and repaired oyster and surf clam dredges “drudges”, various equipment, oyster knives, hammers and did metal work for the shucking houses. Mr. Beebe got his start learning the trade as an apprentice to his uncle Archie Jackson in the mid-1940s at Dorchester Shipyard. Mr. Jackson then opened his own business with Bob Sutton and Mr. Blizzard in Bivalve. In 1962, Mr. Beebe opened his own shop in Cedarville and also operated a mobile iron works business performing work on boats around New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia. Dan Cobb worked with his father-in-law for two years. He noted that they were very busy especially in the spring during Bay Season. He explains tools of the trade that were donated the Bayshore Center and the work they did.
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The NOAA mission is to understand and predict changes in climate, weather, oceans, and coasts, to share that knowledge and information with others, and to conserve and manage coastal and marine ecosystems and resources. The Voices Oral History Archives offers public access to a wide range of accounts, including historical materials that are products of their particular times, and may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes.
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