Charlie Albertson

Location of Interview
Collection Name

Voices from the Working Waterfront Oral History Project


Working waterfronts are inherently entwined with the social and cultural aspects of their host communities; they are integral to how community members define themselves and set themselves apart from others. This project captures and preserves oral histories highlighting the importance of working waterfronts to the nation’s fisheries, economy, and coastal communities. 

Date of Interview

Shelley Chance

Principal Investigator

Charlie Albertson, born in 1932, is a former North Carolina Senator from Beaulaville, North Carolina. He grew up on a farm in Eastern Duplin County during the Great Depression, where he learned farming chores and purchased his first guitar at the age of 11. His interest in public service was influenced by his father's involvement in the community, serving on the School Board in Duplin County. Albertson's political career was marked by his role in passing the North Carolina Waterfront Access and Marine Industry Fund, which aimed to protect waterfront parcels of real estate for commercial and recreational uses. He valued the fisheries in the state and recognized the impact of pollution on water basins and beaches. Albertson's legislative career was characterized by his efforts to preserve and protect the state's resources, including the fisheries and coastal heritage. Additionally, he was involved in unique initiatives, such as setting aside funds for sciences and promoting collaboration between fishermen and scientists. Albertson's interests extended beyond politics as he pursued a music career, traveling and performing with his band, the Charlie Albertson Band. His political and music experiences gave him a broad perspective on the world and different places. Throughout his life, Albertson's dedication to public service and the protection of North Carolina's resources has been evident.

Scope and Content Note
Former North Carolina Senator Charlie Albertson was interviewed to explore his role in passing the North Carolina Waterfront Access and Marine Industry Fund, which protected waterfront parcels of real estate for commercial and recreational uses. Senator Albertson spoke of being raised in a family dedicated to public service, with deep roots in the agriculture industry. This helped inform his interest and support of the fishing industry. He explains he learned from his colleagues the value of protecting access for the commercial fishing industry and the value of North Carolina’s fish houses to the state’s coastal heritage, and how they all wanted to do something to help protect that heritage.

Please Note: The oral histories in this collection are protected by copyright and have been created for educational, research and personal use as described by the Fair Use Doctrine in the U.S. Copyright law. Please reach out to let us know how these interviews are being used in your research, project, exhibit, etc.  The Voices staff can help provide other useful resources related to your inquiry. 

The NOAA mission is to understand and predict changes in climate, weather, oceans, and coasts, to share that knowledge and information with others, and to conserve and manage coastal and marine ecosystems and resources. The Voices Oral History Archives offers public access to a wide range of accounts, including historical materials that are products of their particular times, and may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes.

Voices Oral History Archives does not verify the accuracy of materials submitted to us. The opinions expressed in the interviews are those of the interviewee only. The interviews here have been made available to the public only after the interviewer has confirmed that they have obtained consent.