Bob Wise
Stonewall Jackson Dam Removal
This series consists of original recordings of audio interviews resulting from Michael Kline's work during 1984 - 1985 documenting the experience of Lewis County, West Virginia residents forced to leave their homes by the construction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Stonewall Jackson Flood Control Dam. Thirty-five recorded interviews with residents, planners, politicians and lawmen were drawn upon to create an audio documentary, "We're Here To Take You Out," which explored the impact and collateral, human costs of such projects on rural life, arts, and values.
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National Capital Contracting
On November 29, 1984, Michael Kline interviewed Bob Wise for the Stonewall Jackson Dam Removal Oral History project. Wise, a long-time opponent of the Stonewall Jackson Dam, shares his experience in challenging the dam's construction from his early days as a lawyer through his tenure as a member of Congress. He first engaged in a lawsuit against the project in the late 1970s and later opposed the dam in the state legislature and Congress. The interview focuses on Wise's efforts to defund the Stonewall Jackson Dam project after being elected to Congress. He describes the political battles, including his success in getting the House to stop funding temporarily, the opposition he faced in the Senate, and the challenges of working against entrenched political interests. Wise emphasizes how the dam's cost-benefit analysis was manipulated, with questionable justifications such as pollution control and recreation, which he believes were not valid reasons for the project's continuation. He reflects on the broader lessons learned, suggesting that the dam represents a bygone era of large, questionable infrastructure projects. Wise expresses concern over the lack of local input and argues that alternative flood control methods, such as constructing flood walls or watersheds, would have been more cost-effective. Wise also discusses the impact of the dam on the local community, including the displacement of farmers and the loss of agricultural land. He acknowledges that despite his opposition, the dam’s construction is now inevitable and emphasizes the need to maximize the project's benefits, such as job creation and recreation opportunities.
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