Richard J. Gilbrech

Location of Interview
Collection Name

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Oral Histories


The interviews in this collection were selected from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Oral History Program, which contains interviews with aerospace legends, analyses of key events, aerospace chronologies, and more. The interviews included here are those that relate specifically to NOAA's mission.

For more information and to explore the larger collection, visit NASA's Oral Histories.

Date of Interview

Dr. Richard Gilbrech is the Center Director at the John C. Stennis Space Center, a position he came to through a combination of his childhood fascination with the space program, his educational background, and his career path. His journey to his current role has seen him work at various NASA centers, gaining a wealth of experience and knowledge in the process. Dr. Gilbrech's career at NASA has been marked by his dedication to the organization and his willingness to take risks. He has seen the space agency undergo numerous changes over the years and has been instrumental in navigating these transitions. His leadership style emphasizes the importance of mentorship within the organization, and he is known for his commitment to providing accurate technical information for decision-making in the Exploration Program. Dr. Gilbrech's work at NASA has not only been about pushing the frontiers of discovery and exploration but also about fostering a culture of collaboration and diversification.

Scope and Content Note
The interview with Dr. Richard Gilbrech provides a comprehensive overview of his career at NASA, his leadership style, and his perspectives on the space agency's role in the nation. It delves into his experiences working at various NASA centers, the changes he has witnessed in the agency, and the challenges faced during downsizing and the development of new space vehicles. The discussion also covers the role of the Stennis Space Center in achieving the Vision for Exploration and its plans for diversifying and collaborating with other agencies. Dr. Gilbrech emphasizes the importance of accurate technical information for decision-making in the Exploration Program. The interview also explores the challenges and opportunities in testing rocket engines, the culture at Stennis Space Center, and the potential for NASA to work in aeronautics. It highlights the importance of both human and robotic missions in space exploration and discusses Stennis' role in the Small Satellite Program. The interview concludes with Dr. Gilbrech's reflections on the impact of NASA on society and the unique appeal of working for the agency.

Please Note: The oral histories in this collection are protected by copyright and have been created for educational, research and personal use as described by the Fair Use Doctrine in the U.S. Copyright law. Please reach out to let us know how these interviews are being used in your research, project, exhibit, etc.  The Voices staff can help provide other useful resources related to your inquiry. 

The NOAA mission is to understand and predict changes in climate, weather, oceans, and coasts, to share that knowledge and information with others, and to conserve and manage coastal and marine ecosystems and resources. The Voices Oral History Archives offers public access to a wide range of accounts, including historical materials that are products of their particular times, and may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes.

Voices Oral History Archives does not verify the accuracy of materials submitted to us. The opinions expressed in the interviews are those of the interviewee only. The interviews here have been made available to the public only after the interviewer has confirmed that they have obtained consent.