Philip Genthner, Sr.

Finding Friendship Oral History Project
The Finding Friendship Oral History Project is a joint effort of the Friendship Museum and the Friendship Village School, directed by Sally Merrick, museum volunteer, and Gaylea Hynd, teacher. In 2003-2004 sixth grade students conducted taped interviews of three generations of lobstermen and women, as well as others associated with the lobstering industry. Printed copies of the interviews and CDs of the printed transcripts are available at the Friendship Museum in Friendship, Maine.
Peggy Simmons
Philip Genthner, Sr. was born on July 1, 1961, in Friendship, Maine, where he has lived his entire life. He comes from a long line of lobstermen, with his uncles and brothers also being involved in the industry. Philip has been lobstering for over 30 years and is the proud owner and captain of his own boat, the Melinda Kay. He has two sons who are also active lobstermen. In addition to his work as a lobsterman, Philip is a wrestling coach and enjoys watching NASCAR racing.
Scope and Content Note
Philip Genthner, Sr. is a lifelong Friendship, Maine resident and a third-generation lobsterman. With over 30 years of experience in the industry, Philip has dedicated his life to lobstering. He began his career as a young child, accompanying his brothers and uncles on their lobstering trips. Captaining his own 38-foot fiberglass boat, the Melinda Kay, Philip spends his days setting and hauling traps, primarily targeting lobsters. He works alongside his sister, who assists him with various tasks on the boat. Philip's typical day starts early in the morning, and he returns to the wharf by mid-afternoon. The catch varies depending on the season, with springtime being less productive than summer and fall. Philip takes pride in being his own boss and cherishes the peacefulness and solitude of being out on the water. Despite the challenges of fog and occasional mishaps at sea, Philip remains passionate about his work and continues to find joy in lobstering.
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