Lloyd "Wimpy" Serigne

Location of Interview
Collection Name

Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster Oral History


NOAA's Deepwater Horizon Oil Disaster Oral History documents the experience of people living in Gulf  of Mexico  oil-spill-affected fishing communities. The oral history data complements other social and economic data about the spill collected by NOAA and other governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations.

Date of Interview

Carol Short
Stephanie Scull-DeArmey
Linda VanZandt

Principal Investigator

Lloyd “Wimpy” Serigne Lloyd Serigne is a retired fisherman from St. Bernard, Louisiana. He was born on March 3, 1940, to John Serigne (born on Delacroix Island, Louisiana, in 1893) and Emily Perez Serigne (born on Delacroix Island, Louisiana, about 1900). His father was a commercial fisherman. In his family of origin, Spanish was spoken, which Serigne remembers and speaks. Serigne began fishing as a child with his father, and he fished commercially on a part-time basis, in the Louisiana wetlands, throughout his life. He also worked as a professional truck driver. He earned a GED after quitting school. He enjoys photography, art, and watching documentaries. He is a docent at the Los Islenos Museum in St. Bernard, Louisiana, and he also serves as an interpreter there. He is a descendant of the Canary Islanders who settled in the Delacroix Island area of Louisiana. At the time of this interview, he was retired, and he was president of the Los Islenos Heritage and Cultural Society. In June of 1959, he married Doris Gutierrez in Violet, Louisiana. They have two children, Kirk Emile Serigne (born on January 13, 1961) and Julie Serigne Gunther (born on August 30, 1964).

Scope and Content Note:
He talks about commercial fishing, multi-generational fishing family, changes in seafood industry circa 1950s, regulations, wetlands, oysters, Delacroix Island in Louisiana, trapping for fur in wetlands circa 1920s through 1940s, burning of marshes, seine nets, sport fishing, sustainability of fisheries, gillnets, butterfly nets, night-rigging, net materials, boats, dealer-owned freight boats, marketing catch, prices paid for catch, meaning of seafood industry, appraisal of current state of seafood business, trawling for fish and shrimp, hurricanes: 1947, 1915, Katrina in 2005, Rita in 2005, Betsy in 1965, Camille in 1969, water diversion into wetlands, brown shrimp, BP Deepwater Horizon oil disaster, Los Islenos of Louisiana, Vessels of Opportunity, failure of booms to keep oil out of marshes, crabbing, bycatch devices in traps, softshell crabs, currents, tides, marine infection, new species, imported shrimp, shrimping with cast net, fishing with electric shock.

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The NOAA mission is to understand and predict changes in climate, weather, oceans, and coasts, to share that knowledge and information with others, and to conserve and manage coastal and marine ecosystems and resources. The Voices Oral History Archives offers public access to a wide range of accounts, including historical materials that are products of their particular times, and may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes.

Voices Oral History Archives does not verify the accuracy of materials submitted to us. The opinions expressed in the interviews are those of the interviewee only. The interviews here have been made available to the public only after the interviewer has confirmed that they have obtained consent.