Lester Deverne Perry

Location of Interview
Collection Name

Fishing Traditions & Fishing Futures in Georgia


The goal of the “Fishing Traditions and Fishing Futures” project is to raise awareness of the experiences of commercial fishermen and their changing livelihoods in Georgia by documenting their local fisheries knowledge   and perspectives about the state and fate of Georgia’s commercial fishing industry through the use of oral  histories. Capturing the life stories and experiences of Georgia’s commercial fishermen is especially important since many local communities have depended on the coastal environment for their economic and cultural base  for generations.

Date of Interview

National Capital Contracting


Lester Perry is a seasoned commercial fisherman with deep roots in North Carolina's fishing community. Raised in a family with a long-standing tradition of fishing, Perry was introduced to the trade at a tender age, specifically to the practice of shrimping. His early exposure to the sea and its bounties shaped his career path, leading him to ascend the ranks within the industry. Perry's dedication and skill eventually earned him the position of a boat captain, a role he currently fulfills aboard the Blessed Assurance. His life on the water is marked by a profound understanding of the responsibilities and hazards that come with commanding a fishing vessel. Perry's narrative is not just a personal account but also a reflection of the broader challenges that have beset the fishing industry over the years. His experiences encapsulate the essence of a fisherman's life, from the perils faced at sea to the unwavering commitment to his vocation.

Scope and Content Note
The interview with Lester Perry offers a comprehensive overview of the commercial fishing industry through the lens of an individual who has spent a lifetime navigating its waters. Perry provides insight into the evolution of the industry, detailing the significant changes that have occurred in shrimping techniques and technology. He speaks candidly about the labor-intensive nature of fishing, particularly scalloping and jellyballing, and the physical demands these activities place on fishermen. Perry also addresses the regulatory impact on the industry and the consequent challenges these regulations pose to the community's economic well-being. Throughout the interview, he shares personal anecdotes, including a harrowing account of being pulled overboard, which underscores the inherent dangers of the profession. Moreover, Perry reflects on the varying experiences he has had while working on different types of boats and the exhaustive hours that the job entails. Despite the decline of the industry and the hardships he has faced, Perry's passion for fishing is evident. He offers advice to the younger generation aspiring to enter the industry, emphasizing the rewards that come with the commitment to this way of life. His narrative is a testament to the resilience and dedication of those who make their living from the sea, and his willingness to choose this path again speaks volumes about his love for fishing.

Please Note: The oral histories in this collection are protected by copyright and have been created for educational, research and personal use as described by the Fair Use Doctrine in the U.S. Copyright law. Please reach out  Voices@noaa.gov to let us know how these interviews are being used in your research, project, exhibit, etc.  The Voices staff can help provide other useful resources related to your inquiry. 

The NOAA mission is to understand and predict changes in climate, weather, oceans, and coasts, to share that knowledge and information with others, and to conserve and manage coastal and marine ecosystems and resources. The Voices Oral History Archives offers public access to a wide range of accounts, including historical materials that are products of their particular times, and may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes.

Voices Oral History Archives does not verify the accuracy of materials submitted to us. The opinions expressed in the interviews are those of the interviewee only. The interviews here have been made available to the public only after the interviewer has confirmed that they have obtained consent.