John Farrington, Part 1
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Oral History Project
The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Oral History (WHOI) Project began in 1998 to record the recollections and personal insights of the scientists and staff of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Under the auspices of the Data Library and Archives, the project endeavors to include the entire spectrum of the WHOI community, scientists and engineers, support staff ashore and afloat, and collaborators from other organizations such as the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) and United States Geological Survey (USGS). Since its inception in 1930, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has grown from what some had called a summer camp for scientists to a unique, multi-disciplined, internationally recognized giant in the world of ocean sciences. World famous not only to the international scientific community but to the average citizen who is thrilled by the many documentaries, books, and articles featuring the men, women, research, and technology that form the backbone of the institution. WHOI represents a unique group of innovative scientists, engineers, technicians, and support staff with the common purpose of gathering, interpreting, and communicating an understanding of the ocean.
Arel Lucas
Interview with John Farrington.
The Oral History Project began in 1998 to record the recollections and personal insights of the scientists and staff of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Under the auspices of the Data Library and Archives, the project endeavors to include the entire spectrum of the WHOI community, scientists and engineers, support staff ashore and afloat, and collaborators from other organizations such as MBL and USGS.
Since its inception in 1930 the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has grown from what some had called a summer camp for scientists to a unique, multi-disciplined, internationally recognized giant in the world of ocean sciences. World famous not only to the international scientific community but to the average citizen who has thrilled to the many documentaries, books, and articles featuring the men, women, research and technology that form the backbone of the institution. WHOI represents a unique group of innovative scientists, engineers, technicians and support staff with the common purpose of gathering, interpreting and communicating an understanding of the ocean.
Please Note: The oral histories in this collection are protected by copyright and have been created for educational, research and personal use as described by the Fair Use Doctrine in the U.S. Copyright law. Please reach out to let us know how these interviews are being used in your research, project, exhibit, etc. The Voices staff can help provide other useful resources related to your inquiry.
The NOAA mission is to understand and predict changes in climate, weather, oceans, and coasts, to share that knowledge and information with others, and to conserve and manage coastal and marine ecosystems and resources. The Voices Oral History Archives offers public access to a wide range of accounts, including historical materials that are products of their particular times, and may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes.
Voices Oral History Archives does not verify the accuracy of materials submitted to us. The opinions expressed in the interviews are those of the interviewee only. The interviews here have been made available to the public only after the interviewer has confirmed that they have obtained consent.