Nancy Solomon

Interviewee Collection Sort ascending Description Interviewer Date of Interview Location of Interview Affiliation
Myron "Mike" and Helen Van Essendelft Long Island Traditions

Mike and Helen Van Essendelft live in Oakdale, New York. Mike Van Essendelft, born on April 16, 1908, worked for Bluepoints, a renowned oyster company, for over 12 years. Starting as a waiter at the Snapper Inn, Mike eventually became a sales assistant at Bluepoints and worked his way up to the position of sales manager. Helen Van Essendelft supported the oyster industry by shucking and freezing oysters for Birdseye. Together, Mike and Helen provide a unique perspective on the history and operations of the fishing industry in West Sayville.

Nancy Solomon Oakdale, NY Long Island Traditions
Joe Scavone Long Island Traditions

Interview with Joe Scavone

Nancy Solomon Freeport, NY Long Island Traditions
Rick Verity Long Island Traditions

Rick Verity is a skilled bayman who learned the art of eeling from his father, Elwood Verity. Growing up in Blue Point, Rick's family has a long history of working on the bay, with his grandfather, Bill Verity, being a lobster catcher. Rick began his bay adventures at the age of three or four, accompanying his father to rake clams in the bay. His father taught him the best spots and techniques for clamming, including treading clams in the soft mud. Over the years, Rick and his father expanded their expertise, engaging in activities such as combing and setting traps for eels.

Nancy Solomon Lindenhurst, NY Long Island Traditions
Tom Jefferies Long Island Traditions

Interview with Tom Jefferies

Nancy Solomon Freeport, NY Long Island Traditions
Carmine Marinnacio Long Island Traditions

Carmine Marinaccio was born on May 7, 1987, in the Bronx. His parents hailed from Basilaca and Okadi, near Mount Vesuvius, and arrived in the Bronx when his father was 11 years old. Carmine's grandfather worked as a laborer, crafting furniture and harboring resentment toward tax collectors, which eventually led him to leave. Growing up near the water, Carmine developed a fondness for the beach and found ways to earn money, such as catching bait and reselling boats.

Nancy Solomon Freeport, NY Long Island Traditions
Cory Weyant Long Island Traditions

Cory Weyant is a full time commercial fisher from Freeport, New York. He traps eels, killies, crabs and other finfish using traps he has built himself. He also works on trawler fishing boats. Cory grew up in Freeport and learned his skills through the community. His father was also born in Oceanside and worked in the boating industry, running transport boats and working at bait stations. Cory started fishing and swimming at a very young age

Nancy Solomon Freeport, NY Long Island Traditions
Tom Jefferies Long Island Traditions

Interview with Tom Jefferies

Nancy Solomon Freeport, NY Long Island Traditions
Charles Brower Long Island Traditions

Charles Brower is a seasoned fisherman and bayman, hailing from a long line of individuals who have made their living off the waters. Born and raised in Baldwin Harbor, he began his fishing journey at the young age of 15 under the tutelage of his father, who taught him the art of cod fishing. Brower Avenue itself is named after his great-grandfather, showcasing the family's deep connection to the fishing industry. Throughout his career, Charles Brower primarily engaged in net fishing, specifically using a gillnet.

Nancy Solomon Baldwin, NY Long Island Traditions
Cory Weyant Long Island Traditions

Cory Weyant is a seasoned bayman and dragger fisherman with over forty-five years of experience in the industry. He has witnessed significant changes in his line of work, particularly in the Freeport area where he has lived since he was two years old. Weyant's career has spanned several decades, during which he has seen a decline in the number of small trawlers in his area and a dramatic decrease in the abundance of fish. He attributes these changes to overfishing and the advancement of fishing technology. Despite the challenges, Weyant has managed to adapt to the changing circumstances.

Nancy Solomon Freeport, NY Long Island Traditions
George Combs, Jr. Long Island Traditions

Mr. Combs comes from a long line of baymen. He speaks about being a captain, shipbuilding, and other experiences in the fishing industry.

Nancy Solomon Amityville, NY Long Island Traditions