Bill Howard

Location of Interview
Collection Name

Beneath the Surface of San Diego


The beautiful coastal city of San Diego in southern California has been the nucleus of underwater exploration, innovation and research throughout sport diving’s relatively short history. Boasted as the home of the first dive club in the world, the first oceanographic research institution to use diving for science, and many of the most influential diving pioneers, San Diego has a rich cultural heritage in sport diving antiquity. Large and significant portions of this history have gone undocumented, as many stories and observations remain accessible only in the memories of these pioneers themselves. However, recreational divers in San Diego represent a large stakeholder group with a highly respected and knowledgeable capacity for shaping local marine resource management choices, and divers rely on the health and protection of these coastlines as a driver for their passions, leisure and fascination. The purpose of the project overall is to tell the history of sport diving in San Diego from the perspectives of those at its forefront.  Oral histories were recorded with eight experienced local San Diego divers who began diving recreationally and went on to become influential contributors to revolutions in marine science, diving technology and ocean resource management.

Date of Interview
Principal Investigator

Bill Howard is a seasoned diver with a rich history in the field of oceanography. Born in Pasadena, California, on September 1, 1938, Howard moved to San Diego in the summer of 1951. His first experience wearing a mask in the ocean was in front of the Marine Room. Howard was part of a dive club called the Cormorants, which was in existence for a short while. He later joined the Addicts, along with his diving buddies Bob Shea and Dave Lynn. Howard has a history of winning dive competitions, often with large sheep head fish. He also has experience with boat trips to the Cortes Bank.

Scope and Content Note
This interview with Bill Howard, conducted by Ashleigh Palinkas on May 24, 2014, provides a detailed account of Howard's experiences and perspectives on diving and oceanography in San Diego. The interview begins with a brief personal history, including Howard's birthplace, the year he moved to San Diego, and his first experience with ocean diving. The conversation then shifts to Howard's involvement in various dive clubs, including the Cormorants and the Addicts. Howard shares his experiences with these clubs, including his lack of interest in the older members of the Cormorants and his transition to the Addicts. He also discusses the dissolution of the Cormorants and the subsequent joining of one of its members, Earl Murray, to the Bottom Scratchers. Howard also shares his experiences with diving competitions, often winning with large sheep head fish. He discusses the strategy of targeting specific holes for lobsters, explaining that if a lobster is removed from a hole, another will likely take its place. Howard also mentions his experiences with boat trips to the Cortes Bank. Throughout the interview, Howard provides valuable insights into the history and culture of diving in San Diego, offering a unique perspective on the evolution of the sport and its community.

Please Note: The oral histories in this collection are protected by copyright and have been created for educational, research and personal use as described by the Fair Use Doctrine in the U.S. Copyright law. Please reach out to let us know how these interviews are being used in your research, project, exhibit, etc.  The Voices staff can help provide other useful resources related to your inquiry. 

The NOAA mission is to understand and predict changes in climate, weather, oceans, and coasts, to share that knowledge and information with others, and to conserve and manage coastal and marine ecosystems and resources. The Voices Oral History Archives offers public access to a wide range of accounts, including historical materials that are products of their particular times, and may contain offensive language or negative stereotypes.

Voices Oral History Archives does not verify the accuracy of materials submitted to us. The opinions expressed in the interviews are those of the interviewee only. The interviews here have been made available to the public only after the interviewer has confirmed that they have obtained consent.