NASA Johnson Space Center Oral History Project

  • Collection DOI:
    Principal Investigator:
    Rebecca Wright, Jennifer Ross-Nazzal, Sandra Johnson
  • The oral histories on this website are the transcripts from audio-recorded, personal interviews with many who pioneered outer space and the Moon, and with those who continue the excitement of space exploration. To preserve the integrity of the audio record, the texts are presented  with limited revisions and thus reflect the   candid conversational style of the oral history format. Brackets   and ellipses indicate where the text has been annotated or edited for clarity. The date of each interview  is noted on   the first page. 

    For more information, visit the JSC Oral History Project

Interviewee Collection Sort ascending Description Interviewer Date of Interview Location of Interview Affiliation
Kathryn D. Sullivan NASA Johnson Space Center Oral History Project

Dr. Kathryn D. Sullivan is a distinguished American geologist and a former NASA astronaut. Born on October 3, 1951, in Paterson, New Jersey, she became the first American woman to walk in space on October 11, 1984, during the Space Shuttle Challenger mission STS-41-G. Sullivan's academic background includes a bachelor's degree in Earth sciences from the University of California, Santa Cruz, and a Ph.D. in geology from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Jennifer Ross- Nazzal , , , Columbus, OH, Falls Church, VA NASA